
A demo project for JCON OpenBlend Slovenia presentation about sharing build logic with Gradle

Primary LanguageJava

Project structure and sharing build logic

Project structure

Our project is setup in a way that all scripts and build logic that are required to build the project and a business code are separated. To do that we put all our business logic projects in to projects folder. That setup is done through settings.gradle(.kts) file, where we set projectDir for every project to be in projects subfolder.

That kind of organization helps us navigate in our project.

Sharing build logic

This demo shows how to structure a Gradle project so it can stay maintainable. The idea is that we keep build.gradle(.kts) files as declarative as possible and move all complex or shared code to convention plugins.

Convention plugins are a simple plugin, that looks like a normal build scripts. Examples of these plugins can be seen in buildSrc/src/main/kotlin

There we can see "small building blocks" plugins prefixed with common.*. These common plugins follow single-responsibility principle, for example to edit Checkstyle rules we have common.checkstyle.gradle.kts, to edit java settings we have common.java.gradle.kts and so on.

These small plugins are then used in "project type" specific plugins, prefixed with jcon.*. For library projects we have jcon.library-conventions.gradle.kts and for app projects we have jcon.app-conventions.gradle.kts. These two plugins are used then in library and web-app project and replace all logic that would normally be in the build.gradle.kts.

With that we get simple and declarative build.gradle(.kts) files, where we have mostly only plugins and dependencies block.

Other features presented in the demo

We also took a look at toolchains, that help manage JDKs used by the project. With toolchains we can avoid modifying JAVA_HOME for every project: Gradle takes care of picking up the right JDK for specified language version.

We also took a look at Version Catalog that helps managing dependencies. Version Catalog is also easy to update, e.g. with littlerobots/version-catalog-update-plugin or Splitties/refreshVersions.