
Cable Driven Parallel Robot gym model

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Cable Driven Parallel Robot gym model

For RL zoo: clone this repo into the RL-zoo folder from


Add the following into hyperparams/ppo.yml

# custom
    - stable_baselines3.common.vec_env.VecMonitor
    - stable_baselines3.common.vec_env.vec_normalize.VecNormalize
  n_envs: 20
  n_timesteps: !!float 1e7
  policy: 'MlpPolicy'
  n_steps: 20_000
  gae_lambda: 0.95
  gamma: 0.9
  n_epochs: 10
  ent_coef: 0.0
  learning_rate: !!float 1e-3
  clip_range: 0.2
  use_sde: True
  sde_sample_freq: 4

Also add the following to utils/import_envs.py

register(id="CDPR-v0", entry_point="CDPRgym.envs.cdpr:CDPRenv")

try running

python train.py --algo ppo --env "CDPR-v0" --vec-env "subproc"

CHeckout CDPR_rlzoo.ipynb to see more on this.