
my configs

Primary LanguageShell

Configs by Asonix

I stole my zsh config from someone online and I forgot who so sorry for not linking :3

If you want to use my configs (I have configs for Subtle WM, i3wm, the Compton compositor, neovim, urxvt, and zsh), just run ./installer


curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/asonix/configs/master/installer.sh | bash


Eighties Dark, font: monofur for powerline

![Screenshot from 2016-06-02 17-44-45.png](pics/Screenshot from 2016-06-02 17-44-45.png?raw=true) ![Screenshot from 2016-06-02\ 17-54-39.png](pics/Screenshot from 2016-06-02\ 17-54-39.png?raw=true)

Twilight Dark, font: fantasque sans mono

![Screenshot from 2016-04-08 15-50-22.png](pics/Screenshot from 2016-04-08 15-50-22.png?raw=true) ![Screenshot from 2016-04-08 15-52-55.png](pics/Screenshot from 2016-04-08 15-52-55.png?raw=true) ![Screenshot from 2016-04-08 15-53-37.png](pics/Screenshot from 2016-04-08 15-53-37.png?raw=true) screenFetch-2016-04-08_16-00-05.png screenFetch-2016-04-08_17-01-53.png