
Ready to use Flash environment for the C.H.I.P Single Board Computer

Primary LanguageShell

Revive an outdated C.H.I.P. from factory OS to Debian Buster

This guide and scripts are based on the excelent work made by https://github.com/Thore-Krug/Flash-CHIP and the guide in https://gist.github.com/luzhuomi/526fbcc30f3522f09eacf20d0f776fa5


Part 1: Stock image

  1. Remove the C.H.I.P. from its case (in case you have a Pocket C.H.I.P.).
  2. Connect the FEL and a GROUND pin of the C.H.I.P. (for example, with a paperclip).
  3. Connect the C.H.I.P. its micro USB port to a USB port of your Linux machine. Make sure that the port and cable allow for plenty of power. If you get a FEL error, it may be because the C.H.I.P. is running under-voltage.
  4. On the Linux machine:
    • run git clone https://github.com/asophila/Flash-CHIP.git to clone this repository
    • cd into the location where you stored this repository
    • run sudo chmod +x Flash.sh
    • run ./Flash.sh
    • Select the version you want to install
    • Wait until the installation finishes

Part 2: Get jessie to connect to the network

  1. Remove the FEL connection (the paperclip)
  2. Unplug 3 seconds
  3. Plug the C.H.I.P. again
  4. Connect to the chip using sudo screen /dev/ttyACM0
  5. Use user: chip and password: chip to connect
  6. run sudo nmtui to set-up a wifi connection to YOUR_SSID
  7. run sudo nmcli c to show your current connections
  8. run sudo nmcli c m <YOUR SSID> connection.autoconnect yes to set autoconnection to YOUR_SSID wifi in case of trouble
  9. use ip addr | grep "inet " | awk 'NR==2{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1 to get your CHIP_IP. From your linux computer open other terminal and connect using ssh chip@CHIP_IP. You can close the terminal running screen.

Part 3: upgrade debian jessie to debian stretch

  1. run sudo su - to allow all the next changes as superuser
  2. run bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/asophila/Flash-CHIP/master/CHIP-updater/jessie-to-stretch.sh) to update from Debian Jessie to Debian Stretch
  3. reboot C.H.I.P. into Debian Stretch

Part 4: upgrade debian stretch to debian buster

  1. From your linux computer open other terminal and connect using ssh chip@<CHIP IP>.
  2. run sudo su - to allow all the next changes as superuser
  3. run bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/asophila/Flash-CHIP/master/CHIP-updater/stretch-to-buster.sh) to update from Debian Stretch to Debian Buster
  4. reboot C.H.I.P. into Debian Buster