
A simple AWS Lambda function for fetching and storing web page data in an S3 bucket.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Simple Lambda Function

This repository contains a simple AWS Lambda function for fetching and storing web page data in an S3 bucket. Additionally, the lambda-build tool from alexkrkn's repository is utilized for deployment from local to AWS.


  • Fetches HTML content from a specified URL.
  • Extracts the title of the web page.
  • Stores the HTML content in an AWS S3 bucket.


  • AWS Lambda
  • Node.js


  • The Lambda function is triggered with an event containing url and name parameters.
  • The handler function processes the event and performs the fetching and storing operations.


  • Tests are written using Jest.
  • Mocks are used for testing network requests and AWS S3 interactions.
  • To run tests: npm test


  • Uses lambda-build for deploying the Lambda function to AWS from the local environment.
  • Run npm run deploy to deploy using lambda-build.


  • AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3)
  • Axios for HTTP requests
  • Cheerio for HTML parsing
  • lambda-build for deployment


  • Ensure AWS credentials are configured.
  • Install dependencies: npm install
  • Deploy the function to AWS Lambda using lambda-build: npm run deploy


  • Ensure proper configuration of AWS S3 bucket and access permissions.
  • The Lambda function should have necessary permissions to access S3.