
kepler manifests files to setup in Red Hat microshift edge devices

Primary LanguageShell

Edge devices power consumption data collection and visualization using kepler.

Kepler setup in edge device (using RHEL 9.2 running in KVM as edge device)

Download the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2 and install any virtualization tools (can be, KVM, Virtualbox, VMware or any tool) to setup a RHEL virtual machine.

Installing and starting the microshift from RPM package

  • Enable the Microshift RPM repository
sudo subscription-manager repos \
--enable rhocp-4.14-for-rhel-9-$(uname -m)-rpms \
--enable fast-datapath-for-rhel-9-$(uname -m)-rpms
  • Install Red Hat build of Microshift
dnf install -y microshift
  • Install greenboot for Red Hat build of Microshift (Optional)
sudo dnf install -y microshift-greenboot
sudo cp $HOME/openshift-pull-secret /etc/crio/openshift-pull-secret
  • Make the root user the owner of the /etc/crio/openshift-pull-secret
sudo chown root:root /etc/crio/openshift-pull-secret
  • Make the /etc/crio/openshift-pull-secret file readable and writeable by the root user
sudo chmod 600 /etc/crio/openshift-pull-secret
  • To access the microshift locally, copy the kuebconfig file from the /var/lib/microshift/resources/kubeadmin/kubeconfig and store it in $HOME/.kube folder.
mkdir -p ~/.kube/
sudo cat /var/lib/microshift/resources/kubeadmin/kubeconfig > ~/.kube/config
chmod go-r ~/.kube/config

Follow below steps when firewall-cmd is enabled in RHEL 9.2

  • is the network range for pods running in microshift and is the IP address of Microshift OVN network
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-source={,} && sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Enable the microshift using

sudo systemctl enable --now microshift.service
sudo systemctl start microshift.service

Check the status of the Microshift

sudo systemctl status microshift.service

For verification, that microshift is running, Use the following command

oc get all -A

Note: usually take 10 mins to get all the workloads up and running on the first time. If any workload doesn't get started. Restart the virtual machine.

Optional - Access Microshift from remote machines

  • To access microshift remotely edit the microshift config file. It'll not be configured, has to be configured maunally.
sudo mv /etc/microshift/config.yaml.default /etc/microshift/config.yaml
vi /etc/microshift/config.yaml
  baseDomain: microshift.example.com
  - edge.microshift.example.com
sudo systemctl restart microshift
  • View the kubeconfig file for the newly added subjectAltNames in the folder below
cat /var/lib/microshift/resources/kubeadmin/edge-microshift.example.com/kubeconfig

use scp to copy this file or copy the content and do the following steps in the remote machine

mkdir -p ~/.kube/
MICROSHIFT_MACHINE=<name or IP address of Red Hat build of MicroShift machine>
ssh <user>@$MICROSHIFT_MACHINE "sudo cat /var/lib/microshift/resources/kubeadmin/$MICROSHIFT_MACHINE/kubeconfig" > ~/.kube/config
chmod go-r ~/.kube/config

Make sure you have oc client in the remote machine and verify the access to microshift using

oc get all -A

Configuring Kepler DaemonSet and enabling power consumption metrics in edge microshift

Apply all the manifests in the edge-kepler directory using kustomization file

oc apply -k ./edge/edge-kepler

Deployed the opentelemetry collector as a side-car container in kepler daemonset.

  • Config file for opentelemetry collector is added as ConfigMap resource and created in kepler namespace.

Update this file with the opentelemetry hostname and port running in openshift

          loglevel: info

        endpoint: http://<external-opentelemetry>:<port>
         insecure: true
vi edge/edge-otel-collector/1-kepler-microshift-otelconfig.yaml
oc create -n kepler -f edge/edge-otel-collector/1-kepler-microshift-otelconfig.yaml
  • Added the opemtelemetry as sidecar container with kepler daemonset.

Update the image with any custom opentelemetry collector if necessary or use the default collector image

vi edge/edge-otel-collector/2-kepler-patch-sidecar-otel.yaml
oc patch daemonset kepler-exporter-ds -n kepler --patch-file edge/edge-otel-collector/2-kepler-patch-sidecar-otel.yaml

The opentelemetry sidecar attached to the kepler daemonset in microshift is configured to send the data to an external opentelemetry collector running in openshift.

Alternate -To deploy kepler daemonset from official source code

To deploy kepler exporter Daemonset from the source code (if required)

  • Create namespace in microshift to deploy kepler daemon-set.
oc create ns kepler
oc label ns kepler security.openshift.io/scc.podSecurityLabelSync=false
oc label ns kepler --overwrite pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce=privileged
  • Downloaded the Kepler source code from kepler - git repo and renamed as edge/edge-kepler.
git clone https://github.com/sustainable-computing-io/kepler.git ./edge/kepler

Kepler itself provides the easy way of deploying kepler expoerter as a daemonset in microshift using the kustomization.yaml

Since, microshift is a lightweight version of openshift, it requires scc permissions to be added.

Edit the following lines in kustomization.yaml

vi edge-kepler/manifests/config/exporter/kustomization.yaml
 1. Uncomment line 3
   - openshift_scc.yaml

 2. Remove [] in line 8

 3. uncomment line 18
   - ./patch/patch-openshift.yaml
  • Deployed kepler on microshift under the kepler namespace.
oc apply --kustomize edge/edge-kepler/manifests/config/base -n kepler

Data visualization setup in External openshift cluster (Openshift cluster running in remote)

  • Namespace used for this demo in Openshift Container Platform
oc new-project kepler-demo
  • Before Setting up install the necessary operators in the Openshift Console

    1. Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing data collection operator

      Install from Operator Hub

    2. grafana-operator

      Install from Operator Hub
      run the following command

    oc apply -f 0-grafana-operator.yaml
    1. observability-operator

      Install from Operator Hub

OpenTelemetry Setup

  • Configured the opentelemetry collector using Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing data collection operator (From openshift Operator Hub).
oc apply -f ocp/ocp-otlp_collector/1-kepler-otel_collector.yaml

Opentelemetry collector can be exposed in both secure and insecure method.

Secure Route: Ingress configuration in OpenTelemetry Collector CRD creates a secure route for exposing the Otel collector outside of the cluster (Not tested).***

      termination: edge
    type: route

Insecure Route: For exposing OpenTelemetry collector outside the OCP cluster (Insecure), MetalLB LoadBalancer is used for this demo, since openshift cluster is running in Bare Metal. This configuration may vary for Openshift running in cloud environment.

Apply the patch command to change the type in openshift service

oc patch service kepler-otel-service -n kepler-demo --type='json' -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/type", "value": "LoadBalancer"}]'

Prometheus Stack Setup

  • Deployed Monitoring Stack to collect prometheus data from the opentelemetry (running in external openshift) using Observability Operator (From openshift Operator Hub).
oc apply -f ocp/ocp-prometheus/1-kepler-prometheus-monitoringstack.yaml

Grafana Setup

  • Deployed grafana Dashboard to visualize the data collected in the Prometheus Monitoring Stack.

Apply the grafana CRD

oc apply -f ocp/ocp-grafana/1-grafana-kepler.yaml

Apply the grafanaDatasource CRD

oc apply -f ocp/ocp-grafana/2-grafana-datasource-kepler.yaml


      dashboards: grafana-kepler
  url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ZagaUS/kepler-demo/main/ocp/ocp-grafana/4-grafana-dashboard-kepler.json

Apply the grafanaDashboard CRD

oc apply -f ocp/ocp-grafana/3-grafana-dashboard-kepler.yaml

Note: Route for Grafana CRD need to be added manually, either through web console (Administrator -> Networking -> Routes) or use the 5-grafana-dashboard-route yaml file.

Edit the yaml file, to use custom hostname if necessary or leave this line commented
And verify the name of the service

  # host: >-
  #   grafana-kepler-dashboard-kepler-demo.apps.zagaopenshift.zagaopensource.com
    kind: Service
    name: grafana-kepler-service

Apply the grafana route

oc apply -f ocp/ocp-grafana/5-grafana-dashboard-route.yaml







