Diceroller Bot

A Discord Bot that rolls dice for you

If you want a new feature or want to give some advice, please open an new issue. It will be very much appreciated.


!r 1d20 - Roll a d20

!r 2d20+2 - Roll two d20 + 2

!r d20-1 - Roll a d20 - 1

!r 2d20k1 - Roll two d20 but keep only the highest one (d&d 5e advantage)

!r 5d20k4 - Roll five d20 but the keep only the highest 4

!r (4d8+3)*3d2k1 - Roll four d8, add three and multiply the result for three d2 (keeping only one)

!r (8d12k1+40)*(1-(2+9d4)-3d2)-4 - You got it

!r [3, 2, 8] | 1d20+$ - You can also pipe commands and create arrays!


go get github.com/asparagii/diceroller-bot/...

Both dice-bot and dice-cli will be installed in your $GOPATH/bin directory. Add the folder to your PATH if you want to launch the programs from anywhere.


To start the bot use

dice-bot -t <your-long-bot-token>



If you want to try the bot without deploying your own, you can use my instance.

Add it to your server via this link