Welcome to nyt_spelling_bee_solver

This is a Python project to obtain all of the possible answers to the daily NY Times Spelling Bee game.

Current Version: v0.10

Table of content


This is a solver for all of the possible answers to the daily NY Times Spelling Bee game. The game consists of a "center" letter that is required to be used in any words and 6 "outside" letters that can also be used.

I pulled a dictionary file off of Github and modified it to make the spelling bee processing go more quickly. First, I removed all words with fewer than 4 characters (per the NYT rules). Next, I added an alphabet array to each word and flagged whether the character was present in the word or not. Then I removed all words that use more than 7 letters of the alphabet (as the game limits you to 7 unique letters).

The alphabet array is used to quickly identify the letters that are not in the daily puzzle.

Set up

No pip installs required. I modified my .zshrc file to shortcut the command. If you want to do that, run nano ~/.zshrc and add alias nyt='python3 /yourpathtotherepo/nyt_spelling_bee_solver/nyt_sb_solver.py'.


From your terminal's command line, run python3 nyt_sb_solver.py -r g -o abcdef (where the letter following the -r is your required letter and the letter following -o are the other 6 letters in the puzzle).


To do list

  • Error handling

Other notes

  • None