
🎮 Turns GLTF's to JSX components

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

This is an experimental tool that turns GLTF's files into re-usable react-three-fiber JSX components that are easier to modify and customize.

npx gltfjsx model.gltf [Model.js] [options]

  --draco, -d         Adds draco-Loader                   [boolean]
  --animation, -a     Extracts animation clips            [boolean]
  --compress, -c      Removes names and empty groups      [boolean]
  --precision, -p     Number of fractional digits         [number ] [default: 2]
  --help              Show help                           [boolean]
  --version           Show version number                 [boolean]

You need to be set up for asset loading and the GLTF has to be present in your /public folder. This tools loads it, creates look-up tables of all the objects and materials inside, and writes out a JSX graph, which you can now alter comfortably.

A typical output will look like this:

import React  from 'react'
import { useLoader } from 'react-three-fiber'
import { GLTFLoader } from 'three/examples/jsm/loaders/GLTFLoader'
function Model(props) {
  const { nodes, materials } = useLoader(GLTFLoader, '/model.gltf')
  return (
    <group {...props} dispose={null}>
      <group name="Camera" position={[10, 0, 50]} rotation={[Math.PI / 2, 0, 0]} >
        <primitive object={nodes['Camera_Orientation']} />
      <group name="Sun" position={[100, 50, 100]} rotation={[-Math.PI / 2, 0, 0]} >
        <primitive object={nodes['Sun_Orientation']} />
      <group name="Cube" >
        <mesh material={materials['base']} geometry={nodes['Cube.003_0'].geometry} />
        <mesh material={materials['inner']} geometry={nodes['Cube.003_1'].geometry} />

This component is async and suspends, wrap it into <Suspense /> for fallbacks and, optionally, error-boundaries for error handling:

  <Suspense fallback={<Fallback />}>
    <Model />


Adds a DRACOLoader, for which you need to be set up. The necessary files have to exist in your /public folder. It defaults to /draco-gltf/ which should contain dracos gltf decoder.

It will then extend the loader-section:

const gltf = useLoader(GLTFLoader, '/stork.glb', loader => {
  const dracoLoader = new DRACOLoader()


If your GLTF contains animations it will add a THREE.AnimationMixer to your component and extract the clips:

const actions = useRef()
const [mixer] = useState(() => new THREE.AnimationMixer())
useFrame((state, delta) => mixer.update(delta))
useEffect(() => {
  actions.current = { storkFly_B_: mixer.clipAction(gltf.animations[0]) }
  return () => gltf.animations.forEach(clip => mixer.uncacheClip(clip))
}, [])

If you want to play an animation you can do so at any time:

<mesh onClick={e => actions.current.storkFly_B_.play()} />