
Cheat sheet - how to deal with algebraic data types in scala

Algebraic Data Types

We will model:

  • has-a and relasionship
  • is-a or relashionship
  • has-a or relasionship
  • is-a and relashionship
IS-A Sum type
HAS-A Product type

Product Type Pattern

has-a and relasionship

If A has a b (with type B) and a c (with type C) write

case class A(b: B, c: C)    


trait A {
    def b: B
    def C: C

Sum Type Pattern

is-a or relasionship

If A is a B or C write

sealed trait A
final case class B() extends A
final case class C() extends A

IS-A AND Pattern

is-a and relasionship

A is B and C

trait B
trait C
trait A extends  B with C

Notice: If we want to represent that some data conforms to a number of different interfaces we'll often be better off usinf a type class.
There are, however, several legitimate uses of this pattern:

  • for modularity, using what's known as the cake pattern
  • sharing implementation across several classes where it doesn't make sense to make default implementation in the main trait

HAS-A OR Pattern

has-a or relasionship

A has a B or C

trait A {
 def d: D 
sealed trait D
final case class B() extends D
final case class C() extends D

Alternatively we could implement this as A is a D or E and D has a B and E has a C

sealed trait A
final case class D(b: B) extends A
final case class E(b: B) extends A

Structural Recursion

Two variants of this patterns:

  • polymorphism
  • pattern matching

The Product Type Polymorphism Pattern

If A has a b (with type B) and a c (with type C), and we want to write a method f returning an F, simply write the method is the usual way.

case class A(b: B, c:C) {
  def f: F =???

The Sum Type Polymorphism Pattern

If A is A B or C, and we want to write a method f returning an F, define f as an abstract method on A and provide concrete implementation in B and C

sealed trait A {
  def f: F

final case class B() extends A {
  override f: F = ???

final case class C() extends A {
  override f: F = ???

The Product Type Pattern Matching Pattern

If A has a b (with type B) and a c (with type C) and we want to write a method f that accepts an A and returns an F, write

def f(a: A): F = 
    a match {
      case A(b,c) => ???

The Sum Type Pattern Matching Pattern

If A is a B or C and we want to write a method f accepting an A and returning an F, define a pattern matching case for B and C

def f(a: A) =
    a match {
      case B() => ???
      case C() => ???

Choosing Which Pattern to Use

We have three way of implementing structural recursion:

  • polymorphism
  • pattern matching in the base trait
  • pattern matching in an external object

Polymorphism vs Pattern Matching

Add new method Add new data
Polymorphism Change existing code Existing code unchanged
Pattern Matching Existing code unchanged Change existing code

Base Trait vs External Object

  • If a method only depends on other fields and methods in a class it is a good candidate to be implemented inside the class.
  • If the method depends on other data consider implementing it using pattern matching outside of the classes
  • If we want to have more then one implementation we should use pattern matching and implement it outside the classes

##Recursive Algebraic Data Types When defining recursive algebraic data types, there must be at least two cases:

  • one thet is recursive
  • and one that is not (base case) Skeleton is:
sealed trait RecursiveExample
final case class RecursiveCase(recursion: RecursiveExample) extends RecursiveExample
case object BaseCase extends RecursiveExample

####Dealing with Recursive Algebraic Data Types

  • whenever we encounter a recursive element in the data we make a recusive call to our method
  • whenever we encounter a base case in the data we return the identity for the operation we are performing. The identity is an element that doesn't change the result. E.g. 0 is the identity for addition, because a+0=0