
A json feature-list for wallets that support Nano

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A json feature-list for wallets that support Nano, were the user have access to keys (Not your keys, not your Nano). Currently used by nanowallets.guide to dynamically render a comparison view for all features between all wallets. For use of the generated json file please refer to this link wallets.json


These are the currently added features. Feature additions can easily be made through a normal pull-request (all wallets must include all features). featureComplete is used to indicate if all feature data has been filled and completed. All features must be in camelCase. All boolean feature values can be null if support for that feature is unknown.

Feature name Description Type
platforms Platforms this wallet supports. For example Win, MacOS, Linux, iOS, Android. Array(String)
openSource If core parts (core as in handling of funds) of the wallet are open source. Link to repository. String
changeRepSupport Possibility to change representative through the wallets UI. Bool
multiAssetSupport Allows for handling of other cryptocurrencies than Nano. Bool
ledgerSupport Can be used with Ledger. Bool
ledgerRecovery Supports Ledger recovery. Bool
contactBook Can store contacts (nano addresses) within the wallet Bool
transactionNote Custom transaction message for wallet owner. Bool
multiAccount Supports multiple accounts (indexes) Bool
watchOnlyAddress Can view the balance of any Nano address (public key). A watch-only address can not receive or send funds because there is no private key (or seed) involved. Bool
seedImport Types of Seed import the wallet supports, examples being a "nano seed", a 64 character entropy. For more on the different seed types see Seed types Array(String)
seedExport Same as import but types of Seeds you can export through the wallet. Array(String)
mnemonicImport Types of Mnemonic phrase the wallets supports. For example 12-word, 24-word. Array(String)
mnemonicExport Same as import but types of Mnemonic phrases you can export through the wallet. Array(String)
privateKeyImport Can import private keys. Also called an Ad-hoc wallet. Bool
privateKeyExport Can export private keys. Bool
privateKeyDerivation Types of derivation used for private keys. Find out more under Private keys. Array(String)
walletSweep Can read a seed and/or a private key and automatically transfer the funds to it's own wallet. Array(String)
keyStorage Where/how keys are stored. For example none, local, remote. Array(String)
fileBackup Support backup whole wallet to a file and restore on another device. Bool
hostsTheirOwnRep Does this wallet host their own representative. Link to representative. String
exchangeService Offers an exchange service to sell and/or buy Nano for other currencies. Bool
qrReader Can read QR codes for sending Nano. Bool
qrGenerator Can generate/display QR codes to aid transactions. Bool
authenticationMethods Authentication methods this wallet supports. password, pin, biometrics, 2fa Array(String)
moreInformation A url to where more information about the wallet can be found. String
other Any text/html with additional information about the wallet not applicable to a specific feature. String


    "name": "Natrium",
    "slug": "natrium",
    "logo": "https://nanowallets.guide/assets/wallet-logos/natrium.png",
    "featureComplete": true,
    "features": {
        "platforms": ["android", "ios"],
        "openSource": "https://github.com/appditto/natrium_wallet_flutter",
        "changeRepSupport": true,
        "multiAssetSupport": false,
        "ledgerSupport": false,
        "ledgerRecovery": false,
        "contactBook": true,
        "transactionNote": false,
        "multiAccount": true,
        "watchOnlyAddress": false,
        "seedImport": ["nano", "bip32"],
        "seedExport": ["nano", "bip32"],
        "mnemonicImport": ["12-word", "24-word"],
        "mnemonicExport": ["12-word", "24-word"],
        "privateKeyImport": true,
        "privateKeyExport": true,
        "privateKeyDerivation": ["blake2b", "bip39/44"],
        "walletSweep": ["nano seed","privKey"],
        "keyStorage": ["local"],
        "fileBackup": false,
        "hostsTheirOwnRep": "https://nanocharts.info/address/nano_1natrium1o3z5519ifou7xii8crpxpk8y65qmkih8e8bpsjri651oza8imdd",
        "exchangeService": false,
        "qrReader": true,
        "qrGenerator": true,
        "authenticationMethods": ["password", "pin", "biometrics"],
        "moreInformation": "https://natrium.io/",
        "other": "iWatch, Appia support, supported by the Nano Foundation.<br><a href=\"https://medium.com/appditto/natrium-v2-1-security-audit-and-more-26ebec66bd5b\" target=\"_blank\">Natrium audited by Red4Sec</a>."

Seed types and private keys within the context of Nano

Seed types

  • A Nano seed is a 64 long hexadecimal string and is what is called an Entropy. Can be converted to a 24-word mnemonic phrase, for example, by using bip39.entropyToMnemonic().
  • A Bip32 seed is a 128 long hexadecimal string and can also be converted to a 24-word phrase that is called a Bip32 mnemonic, for example by using nanocurrency-web-js

Private keys and derivation types

  • When a Nano seed, a Bip32 seed or mnemonic is imported into a wallet that seed will be converted to one or more private keys using either blake2b or bip39/44 derivation. From that the Nano public key (aka account/address) is derived.
  • For example, a Ledger hardware wallet and most multi-currency wallets are using bip39/44 while blake2b is the recommended method for native Nano wallets. However, there is nothing stopping wallets from supporting both.
  • The different methods used also mean that a mnemonic exported from one wallet may not result in the same accounts in another. It depends on the wallet implementation. But as long as a wallet can export private keys (or the mnemonic) it's safe to say you can access your Nano. Some wallets supports the use of private keys directly.

Public keys

  • A public key is a 64 long hexadecimal string and is equivalent to a Nano account/address.

Mnemonic phrases

  • A 24-word mnemonic phrase can be converted to a 64-char Nano seed (entropy) or a 128-char Bip32 seed. A 12-word mnemonic is used in some wallets but has a lower entropy and not recommended. A Ledger hardware wallet is using a 24-word recovery phrase by default.
  • A 12-word phrase cannot be converted to 24-word or vice versa.

To test all this in practice you can jump over to KeyTools Key Converter. That can be used to verify different wallets and to determine what derivation method they use. It can also be used to extract private keys from a seed or mnemonic, supporting both derivation methods. When using real keys, it's recommended to download the tool and run offline. Download link and info can be found at the tool´s home page.