
Tools and an API for easy 3D Printing

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

MakeMe Build Status

A pipeline for taking your MakerBot Replicator 2 to the next level of awesome. Embrace the meatspace!


At the moment, this only works on OS X 10.8+ and ships with a binary compiled for this platform. However, the binary relates to make-me's photo function, so some customization should enable other systems.

Homebrew is required for the bootstrap to run. If you don't have it, go get it. We'll still be here.


We've made it as easy as possible to get started with make-me. It's easy as...

$ git clone https://github.com/make-me/make-me.git
$ cd make-me
$ script/bootstrap

CLI Interface

Your printer can now be operated using make-me's command line tools. Hooray! Make-me comes with some STL files so you can test the basic operations of the toolchain:

$ ls ./data

You can also use external models from places like Thingiverse:

# Download Mr.Jaws from http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:14702
$ curl -L http://www.thingiverse.com/download:48479 > data/jaws.stl

Plug the MakerBot printer into the computer with the USB cable.

To print a model, invoke make with the path to the model, leaving off the extension:

$ make data/jaws

This is enough to get most things printed without tweaking, but make-me can adjust print parameters for you:

Slicer config

$ make GRUE_CONFIG=default path/to/model

GRUE_CONFIG=name controls the slicer config to use. These are stored in ./config/ in the project root and two configs are included.

  • default - The default configuration, it's used if no config is specified.
  • support - A slicer configuration that generates support structures for the model. This is particularly awesome for abstract shapes.

Print quality

$ make QUALITY=low path/to/model

QUALITY=(low|medium|high) controls the quality of the print by altering the line height of object layers.

  • high -- 0.1mm
  • medium -- 0.27mm
  • low -- 0.34mm

Print density

$ make DENSITY=0.1 path/to/model

DENSITY=<percentage> controls the infill percentage of the print. The default setting is 0.05

Normalization and packing

Make-me ships with stltwalker, which is used to normalize input models and offer advanced functionality. But, stltwalker can also be used standalone as part of a manual print.

Help for the version of stltwalker bundled with make-me can be found at:

$ vendor/stltwalker/stltwalker -h

Stltwalker can be used to composite multiple objects or multiple copies of a single object into a single print:

$ vendor/stltwalker/stltwalker -p data/object_a.stl data/object_b.stl data/object_b.stl -o data/out.stl
# [.. stltwalker output ..]
$ make QUALITY=low data/out


Yes, we shipped make-me with an API. You deserve it. You can fire up the web app by running:


Now you can POST a URL to the server and it'll start printing. The default HTTP auth credentials are hubot : isalive. They're controlled with the MAKE_ME_USERNAME and MAKE_ME_PASSWORD environment variables.

The maximum dimensions of the print can be specified with the $MAKE_ME_MAX_X, $MAKE_ME_MAX_Y and $MAKE_ME_MAX_Z environment variables. The defaults are configured for the MakerBot Replicator 2.

$ curl -i http://hubot:isalive@localhost:9393/print               \
       -d '{"url": "http://www.thingiverse.com/download:48876"}'

To manually unlock the printer with curl you can either issue a DELETE request or a POST request with _method=DELETE as a parameter:

# These are equivalent
$ curl -i -X DELETE http://hubot:isalive@localhost:9393/lock
$ curl -i -d '_method=DELETE' http://hubot:isalive@localhost:9393/lock

GET / -- HTML "Front page"

$ open http://localhost:9393/

The front page is a human-friendly view of the current print, the state of the lock, the progress and the complete log of the print. It's awesome, and you might enjoy it.

POST /print -- Print an object

$ curl -i -d '{"url": ["http://www.thingiverse.com/download:48876"],  \
               "count": 1,                                            \
               "scale": 1.0,                                          \
               "quality": "low",                                      \
               "density": 0.05,                                       \
               "config": "default"}'                                  \

The parameters in the JSON object are

  • url - Either a String or an Array of Strings that are URLs of .stl objects. Required
  • quality - The quality of the print, defined by line height. Can be "high", "medium" or "low". Default: "medium", Optional
  • count - The number of times to print all the given objects. Default: 1, Optional
  • scale - The scaling factor of the print. Default 1.0, Optional
  • density - The infill density of the object. From 0.0 to 1.0. Default: 0.05, Optional
  • config - The Miracle-Grue config to use during slicing Default: "default", Optional

Returns HTTP 200 OK when the print appears to have begun successfully.

Returns HTTP 409 CONFLICT when the given STL models cannot be normalized or transformed.

Returns HTTP 423 LOCKED when the print cannot be started because the printer is locked.

GET /lock -- Lock status

$ curl -i http://hubot:isalive@localhost:9393/lock

Returns HTTP 200 OK when the lock is clear.

Returns HTTP 423 LOCKED when the printer is locked, returns the lock contents as JSON.

GET /photo -- Take a snapshot of the printer

$ open http://localhost:9393/photo

When successful will return HTTP 302 FOUND with a permanent location of a picture from the camera. You're now a 3D printing paparazzo!

DELETE /lock -- Unlock the printer

# These are equivalent
$ curl -i -X DELETE http://hubot:isalive@localhost:9393/lock
$ curl -i -d '_method=DELETE' http://hubot:isalive@localhost:9393/lock

Unlocks the printer. A printer can only be unlocked when no job is active.

Returns HTTP 200 OK if the lock was successfully cleared.

Returns HTTP 404 NOT FOUND if the lock is free.

Hubot Compatibility

Hubot can now make things for you. If you include our hubot-script, you'll be able to use your 3D printer through Campfire. Our script comes preconfigured for localhost:9292, but this can be altered for your own network preferences. This may seem like the origins of Skynet, but we assure you that it's not.

How can I contribute?

Contributing is easy. Fork this repo, hack away, and submit your pull request.

Most importantly, go print things! We hope make-me can remove any obstacles you may be facing in your 3D printing adventures. Living in the future shouldn't be annoying.