Polling Booth


  1. MySQL
  2. Redis

How to run?

1. Create database

2. Setting environment variables

export POLLING_BOOTH_DATABASE_HOST='<database host>'            #
export POLLING_BOOTH_DATABASE_NAME='<database name>'            # polling_booth_development
export POLLING_BOOTH_DATABASE_USERNAME='<database username>'    # root
export POLLING_BOOTH_DATABASE_PASSWORD='<database password>'    # root

3. Setting configurations

cp config/settings.js.example config/settings.js

NOTE: This settings.js file is a example and need to be adjusted according to the actual situation.

4. Other steps

npm install         # Install dependencies
npm run migrate:up  # Execute database migration

5. Start

npm run debug

You can visit http://localhost:3000/swagger to view the API document.

Admin user

Email: admin@example.com
Password: abcd1234


  1. API - http://localhost:3000/swagger


  1. Testcase
  2. Dockerizing