
a lil game idea i had that won't go away.

Essentially: it's a game that draws heavy inspiration from the game Turing Complete. A puzzle game where the end goal is to create a computer essentially, except instead of wires like a normal person you shoot around marbles. Also it'll be way worse (if i even finish it that is).

So like yeah.


Currently I don't have a game, but I can almost start on that!

  • Foundation
    • Render modules
    • Define modules
  • Editor (Don't be fooled by it's succinctness, this is the hardest one) (and also the most important)
    • Drag stuff around
    • Interactive components
    • Can't move / place stuff into other stuff
    • Hover effect
  • Ui
    • Redo with Bevy UI
    • Spawning UI
    • Description / Information screen (right)
    • Proper module config screen
    • Level info screen
    • Top bar for top bar stuff
    • Level selection
    • Title screen
  • Game
    • Backgrounds
    • Good Backgrounds
    • Finalize module implementation
    • Saving / Loading
    • Level creation / storage
    • Test cases
    • Particle effects :)