- 8
Test failure: DoNotAddIfSizeOverflows
#429 opened by ryanbrandenburg - 1
- 0
Remove the old Redis dependency
#423 opened by muratg - 2
- 1
Flushing the cache
#434 opened by kimbell - 4
tackExchange.Redis.RedisTimeoutException: Timeout performing EVAL, inst: 2, queue: 14, qu: 0, qs: 13, qc: 1, wr: 0, wq: 0, in: 9123, ar: 0, clientName: , serverEndpoint:, keyHashSlot: 16303 (Please take a look at this article for some common client-side issues that can cause timeouts:
#380 opened by qibucloud - 35
React to changes in StackExchange.Redis 2.0
#410 opened by DamianEdwards - 9
- 2
#311 opened by molinjinyi - 1
Question: Max memory
#319 opened by Tasteful - 5
- 4
How to get cache size in .net core?
#345 opened by cex-pnaik - 3
- 3
MemoryDistributedCache is not distributed
#322 opened by MatthewLymer - 4
Redis 4.* compatibility
#376 opened by danbarua - 1
Add documentation XML comments on IDistributedCache and associated classes/types.
#414 opened by colgreen - 0
- 1
Add Clear Method
#419 opened by rjperes - 3
- 10
After upgrading core 1.1 to 2.0: "GetAsync does not have an implementation"
#348 opened by DeveloperUniversity - 3
- 2
PropagateOptions Not dealt with SlidingExpiration.
#373 opened by majian159 - 1
rverEndpoint:, keyHashSlot: 11150 (Please take a look at this article for some common client-side issues that can cause timeouts:
#379 opened by qibucloud - 4
Use MemoryCache Inside ConfigureServices Method
#384 opened by stumpykilo - 1
Update redis dependency [2.1]
#396 opened by JunTaoLuo - 3
Fix race condition that leads to nullref when connecting to redis cache [1.1]
#385 opened by JunTaoLuo - 3
Fix race condition that leads to nullref when connecting to redis cache [1.0]
#386 opened by JunTaoLuo - 3
Fix race condition that leads to nullref when connecting to redis cache [2.0]
#387 opened by JunTaoLuo - 4
Update redis dependency [2.0]
#397 opened by JunTaoLuo - 4
- 6
MemoryCache generic TryGetValue throws InvalidCastException when trying to get value
#361 opened by tstanitz - 1
- 3
Add Redis ConfigurationOptions to RedisCacheOptions
#389 opened by JunTaoLuo - 1
- 2
Why should I use services.AddMemoryCache(); instead of services.AddDistributedMemoryCache();
#382 opened by cilerler - 3
SqlServerCache does not pass on CancellationToken
#365 opened by jovnas - 1
- 8
Is GetOrCreate thread-safe?
#359 opened by withinoneyear - 2
Expose more functions like TTL for Redis
#363 opened by jasondaicoder - 4
- 3
The version of Microsoft.NET.Sdk used by this project is insufficient to support references to libraries targeting .NET Standard 1.5 or higher
#355 opened by ccalvarez - 2
- 1
System.OperationCanceledException at Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Redis.RedisCache+<RefreshAsync>d__25.MoveNext
#351 opened by TrplM - 1
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection 2.0.0 add AddDistributedRedisCache failes with GetAsync
#349 opened by generik0 - 3
CancellationToken added to 2.0 IDistributedCache breaks 1.0 based cache implementations
#347 opened by jeffrymorris - 2
Add MemoryDistributedCacheOptions to enables configuration of the MemoryCache used
#329 opened by javiercn - 3
Size hint based eviction for MemoryCache
#326 opened by JunTaoLuo - 5
Method not found - Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory.MemoryCacheOptions.set_CompactOnMemoryPressure(Boolean)
#320 opened by darkengines - 2
Limit number of items in memory cache
#325 opened by JunTaoLuo - 6