
Resolve a service with multiple implementations based on consumer metadata

broomandan opened this issue · 1 comments

Is there a simple way (like Simple Injector) to register multiple implementations for an interface and inject an specific implementation into a consumer?

For instance:
I have two components (A and B) that are consuming two different implementations (ServiceA, ServiceB) of an interface (IService) factories. I want to be able to instruct the DI resolver, when component A is asking for IService inject implementation ServiceA and when component B is asking for IService, inject ServiceB implementation.
Simple injector is solving this by providing consumers metadata at resolution time.


Is this feature on the road-map? I would be more than happy to contribute.

Robert Broomandan

@broomandan we don't use the issue tracker on this repo. We're going to merge this repo into in the next few days and deprecate this repo. Can you re-open your issue there?
