[Archived] Contains common DI abstractions that ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core use. Project moved to
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Scoped Dependency Injection failed
#548 opened by audacity76 - 0
Constraints about constructor injection?
#642 opened by yhvicey - 1
Generic Types Should Be Able to Be Depended and Injected by Implementation Factory
#634 opened by IndreamLuo - 1
Who can tell me why delegate func compiled by expression lambda instead of directly written during the process of resolving cells
#631 opened by puppygod - 6
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Provide a way to pass in context from hosting to the ServiceCollection being used when configuring services
#549 opened by javiercn - 5
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Investigate improving DI container runtime codegen
#564 opened by davidfowl - 8
MVC 4.5.1 : scoped services never disposed
#577 opened by Ghost-cruiser - 5
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Connection Leak with DI
#584 opened by ConX-Ryan - 1
#591 opened by Tratcher - 5
Feature request: property injection
#602 opened by TimRowe - 1
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What is the context of services.AddTransient ?
#612 opened by SherifRefaat - 1
It need a Named method
#609 opened by bfyxzls - 9
未能加载文件或程序集“System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
#611 opened by ghd258 - 4
GetService<T>() does not trigger error message when forgetting to add generic parameter
#613 opened by mjenzen - 3
How to add service initializers?
#610 opened by VanKrock - 4
Feature request: AutoRegistration for ISomeObject and SomeObject implementation
#604 opened by davidrevoledo - 7
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AddSingleton breaks in 2.0?
#595 opened by Eilon - 3
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DisposesInReverseOrderOfCreation Specification Test Expects Eager Enumerable
#589 opened by LordZoltan - 1
[feature] Support `Func<IServiceProvider, Type, object> implementationFactory` ?
#588 opened by Cologler - 1
Refactor ServiceCollectionServiceExtensionsTest
#570 opened by natemcmaster - 2
Scoped services disposed twice
#585 opened by anpete - 1
Improve searchability on
#582 opened by ChristopherHaws - 0
Add xmldocs
#568 opened by natemcmaster - 17
i have a question
#579 opened by lukangkang - 4
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.net core 2 InvalidOperationException: Cannot resolve scoped service 'IFillDataService' from root provider.
#578 opened by tarekgh - 3
"Cannot Resove Symbol ‘XXX’" in test libraries.
#576 opened by panchengtao - 3
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get different objects in controller and service?
#574 opened by venyowong - 2
Cannot consume scoped service from singleton
#572 opened by sharok - 9
BoundTo Lifestyle
#567 opened by Dave3of5 - 6
Cannot resolve scoped service 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UserManager` from root provider.
#563 opened by chikien276 - 10
A design issue with scoping and how it disposes transients without intent or graphing of lifestyles
#558 opened - 3
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Dirty/Duplicate registration of Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.RC1ForwardingActivator
#559 opened - 5