- 3
Can not open in Visual Studio for Mac
#839 opened by daspuru - 4
File new default names inconsistency.
#850 opened by mlorbetske - 1
Cannot force version of the template to install
#867 opened by marcusien - 3
Can't compile the devextreme-angular package in the Production mode using the ASP.NET Core 2.0 Angular template
#863 opened by GoshaFighten - 1
Consider removing Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design as an explict package reference
#786 opened by phenning - 1
- 1
ReturnUrl is lost if GetExternalLoginInfoAsync fails in AccountController.ExternalLoginCallback
#797 opened by rtpHarry - 1
- 2
- 1
Use AutoValidateAntiforgeryToken in Templates
#824 opened by ardalis - 3
Add Activity information to generated error page
#827 opened by glennc - 1
Change "Web API" to "API"
#813 opened by sayedihashimi - 1
The project file could not be loaded for csproj
#874 opened by ezeasharma - 4
StarterWeb template isn't bundling on build
#835 opened by kstreith - 6
- 1
Remove PackageTargetFallback from Web Templates
#833 opened by vijayrkn - 1
- 1
- 2
Nav bar covers top of screen
#843 opened by Rick-Anderson - 2
Post test
#847 opened by a-elnajjar - 6
Authentication on SPA apps
#864 opened by Dave3of5 - 1
Account/ConfirmEmail - NullReferenceException in Error.cshtml when providing incorrect token
#865 opened by pejta2207 - 1
IEmailSender should have explicitly named parameters for html vs plain text
#868 opened by joeaudette - 0
- 0
Unnecessary User.Id provided in password reset link?
#872 opened by tverboon - 2
Add HttpsRedirection and HSTS middleware template
#871 opened by jkotalik - 1
QR Codes should be supported in templates
#869 opened by Rick-Anderson - 8
- 0
- 0
- 0
#859 opened by alexavrutin - 1
Why do non-sentence headers end in a period?
#851 opened by SteveDesmond-ca - 1
Razor Page templates use fully qualified name
#858 opened by Rick-Anderson - 1
- 1
Sharing Common Files Between Templates
#856 opened by RehanSaeed - 29
- 10
Removing ApplicationInsights (AI) from template generated project not straightforward.
#814 opened by Rick-Anderson - 1
typescript confiugration file item template
#854 opened by dazinator - 0
Remove dependency on Sake
#828 opened by natemcmaster - 7
- 0
Create 2.0 templates
#836 opened by mlorbetske - 0
Unable to install nuget template
#849 opened by neman - 0
- 2
Add RazorPages artifacts to templates
#838 opened by rynowak - 1
Remove @inject and @HtmlRaw(JavaScriptSnippet) for App Insights from _Layout.cshtml
#842 opened by jbagga - 2
MSBUILD : error MSB4025: The project file could not be loaded. Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1
#834 opened by brentarias - 2
Home/Error requires Authorization, creating infinite loops for authentication errors
#818 opened by Tratcher - 0
ASP.NET Core Web Application templates don't need `RuntimeIdentifer` properties
#829 opened by dougbu - 0
Typo in Templates/src/Rules/StarterWeb/IndividualAuth/Views/Manage/Index.cshtml
#790 opened by rtpHarry - 1
Add a web.config item template
#778 opened by sayedihashimi