[Archived] ASP.NET Core templates for .NET CLI and Visual Studio. Project moved to
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Unhandled Rejection (SyntaxError): Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0 when running the template core 2.1 + react
#820 opened by seancpeters - 3
What is the markdown syntax for templating
#838 opened by cilerler - 5
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Issue with Angular 7 on Docker
#830 opened by eSPiYa - 10
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npm ERR! peer dep missing
#784 opened by ryanbrandenburg - 17
Suggestions for the .NET Core 2.2 Preview 1
#712 opened by Eilon - 4
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Add ESLint configuration to React + Redux project
#769 opened by gfox1984 - 0
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ASP.NET Core 2.2+ Templates & LibMan
#787 opened - 1
Broken link in MVC template's privacy banner
#785 opened by dougbu - 1
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/Properties/launchSettings.json should be removed from .gitignore in template content files
#760 opened by kasajian - 2
All tags with an integrity attribute should have "crossorigin="anonymous""
#781 opened by ryanbrandenburg - 1
Update `unshiftio/url-parse` dependency
#773 opened by mkArtakMSFT - 3
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Make template package description say only installable with dotnet new --install
#721 opened by ryanbrandenburg - 6
ASP.NET Core Web App | .NET Framework | ASP.NET Core 2.1 | Web Application template issue
#767 opened by seancpeters - 8
.NET Framework 2.1 Web project doesn't restore
#753 opened by seancpeters - 3
How to prevent service worker caching a route
#762 opened by chris-herring - 2
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Release date for angular 6 template ?
#755 opened by ngohungphuc - 8
2FA with login provider
#747 opened by Rick-Anderson - 0
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Swap "webapp" for "razor" in template list
#726 opened by guardrex - 3
Start setting lang element on pages
#741 opened by ryanbrandenburg - 4
Improve SPA template startup time
#746 opened by ryanbrandenburg - 4
Angular 6's dev server with HMR
#734 opened by dubeg - 2
Change the default `password reset` to off
#728 opened by mkArtakMSFT - 0
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Minified css files are wrong
#730 opened by ryanbrandenburg - 1
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Unnecessary file on angular template
#722 opened by Amine-Smahi - 1
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Print errors from npm build tasks
#717 opened by razzeee - 1
Typo in template: "route." instead of "routes."
#718 opened by dmitry-pavlov - 3
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Test failure: MvcTemplate_NoAuth_NoHttps_Works_NetFramework_ForFSharpTemplate
#705 opened by aspnet-hello