
Swift library for communicating with the Aspose.Pdf for Cloud API

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub license

Swift REST API to Process PDF in Cloud

Aspose.PDF Cloud is a true REST API that enables you to perform a wide range of document processing operations including creation, manipulation, conversion and rendering of PDF documents in the cloud.

Our Cloud SDKs are wrappers around REST API in various programming languages, allowing you to process documents in language of your choice quickly and easily, gaining all benefits of strong types and IDE highlights. This repository contains new generation SDKs for Aspose.PDF Cloud and examples.

These SDKs are now fully supported. If you have any questions, see any bugs or have enhancement request, feel free to reach out to us at Free Support Forums.

Extract Text & Images of a PDF document online https://products.aspose.app/pdf/parser.

PDF Processing Features

  • Add PDF document's header & footer in text or image format.
  • Add tables & stamps (text or image) to PDF documents.
  • Append multiple PDF documents to an existing file.
  • Work with PDF attachments, annotations, & form fields.
  • Apply encryption or decryption to PDF documents & set a password.
  • Delete all stamps & tables from a page or entire PDF document.
  • Delete a specific stamp or table from the PDF document by its ID.
  • Replace single or multiple instances of text on a PDF page or from the entire document.
  • Extensive support for converting PDF documents to various other file formats.
  • Extract various elements of PDF files & make PDF documents optimized.

Read & Write PDF Formats


Save PDF As


Read PDF Formats


Enhancements in Version 20.12

  • A new version of Aspose.PDF Cloud was prepared using the latest version of Aspose.PDF for .Net.

Enhancements in Version 20.10

  • A new version of Aspose.PDF Cloud was prepared using the latest version of Aspose.PDF for .Net.

Enhancements in Version 20.9

  • Implemented custom fonts for Text API.
  • Added custom fonts for Table API.
  • Added support for custom fonts for Stamps API.
  • Support for custom fonts for Header/Footer API.
  • Included custom fonts for Replace Text API.



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

CocoaPods 1.1+ is required to build AsposePdfCloud 20.12+.

To integrate AsposePdfCloud into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '10.0'

target '<Your Target Name>' do
    pod 'AsposePdfCloud', '~> 20.12'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:

Get PDF Page Annotations in Swift

	// Get your ClientId and ClientSecret from https://dashboard.aspose.cloud (free registration required).

	let pdfAPI = PdfAPI(clientId: "MY_CLIENT_ID", clientSecret: "MY_CLIENT_SECRET");
	let pageNumber = 2
	pdfAPI.getPageAnnotations(name: name, pageNumber: pageNumber, folder: self.tempFolder) {
		(response, error) in
		guard error == nil else {
			// errror handle
		if let response = response {
			// do

Unit Tests

Aspose PDF SDK includes a suite of unit tests within the "test" subdirectory. These Unit Tests also serves as examples of how to use the Aspose PDF SDK.


All Aspose.PDF Cloud SDKs are licensed under MIT License.

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://api.aspose.cloud/v3.0/

Class Method HTTP request Description
PdfApi copyFile PUT /pdf/storage/file/copy/{srcPath} Copy file
PdfApi copyFolder PUT /pdf/storage/folder/copy/{srcPath} Copy folder
PdfApi createFolder PUT /pdf/storage/folder/{path} Create the folder
PdfApi deleteAnnotation DELETE /pdf/{name}/annotations/{annotationId} Delete document annotation by ID
PdfApi deleteBookmark DELETE /pdf/{name}/bookmarks/bookmark/{bookmarkPath} Delete document bookmark by ID.
PdfApi deleteDocumentAnnotations DELETE /pdf/{name}/annotations Delete all annotations from the document
PdfApi deleteDocumentBookmarks DELETE /pdf/{name}/bookmarks/tree Delete all document bookmarks.
PdfApi deleteDocumentLinkAnnotations DELETE /pdf/{name}/links Delete all link annotations from the document
PdfApi deleteDocumentStamps DELETE /pdf/{name}/stamps Delete all stamps from the document
PdfApi deleteDocumentTables DELETE /pdf/{name}/tables Delete all tables from the document
PdfApi deleteField DELETE /pdf/{name}/fields/{fieldName} Delete document field by name.
PdfApi deleteFile DELETE /pdf/storage/file/{path} Delete file
PdfApi deleteFolder DELETE /pdf/storage/folder/{path} Delete folder
PdfApi deleteImage DELETE /pdf/{name}/images/{imageId} Delete image from document page.
PdfApi deleteLinkAnnotation DELETE /pdf/{name}/links/{linkId} Delete document page link annotation by ID
PdfApi deletePage DELETE /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber} Delete document page by its number.
PdfApi deletePageAnnotations DELETE /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations Delete all annotations from the page
PdfApi deletePageLinkAnnotations DELETE /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/links Delete all link annotations from the page
PdfApi deletePageStamps DELETE /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/stamps Delete all stamps from the page
PdfApi deletePageTables DELETE /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/tables Delete all tables from the page
PdfApi deleteProperties DELETE /pdf/{name}/documentproperties Delete custom document properties.
PdfApi deleteProperty DELETE /pdf/{name}/documentproperties/{propertyName} Delete document property.
PdfApi deleteStamp DELETE /pdf/{name}/stamps/{stampId} Delete document stamp by ID
PdfApi deleteTable DELETE /pdf/{name}/tables/{tableId} Delete document table by ID
PdfApi downloadFile GET /pdf/storage/file/{path} Download file
PdfApi getApiInfo GET /pdf/info
PdfApi getBookmark GET /pdf/{name}/bookmarks/bookmark/{bookmarkPath} Read document bookmark.
PdfApi getBookmarks GET /pdf/{name}/bookmarks/list/{bookmarkPath} Read document bookmarks node list.
PdfApi getCaretAnnotation GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/caret/{annotationId} Read document page caret annotation by ID.
PdfApi getCheckBoxField GET /pdf/{name}/fields/checkbox/{fieldName} Read document checkbox field by name.
PdfApi getCircleAnnotation GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/circle/{annotationId} Read document page circle annotation by ID.
PdfApi getComboBoxField GET /pdf/{name}/fields/combobox/{fieldName} Read document combobox field by name.
PdfApi getDiscUsage GET /pdf/storage/disc Get disc usage
PdfApi getDocument GET /pdf/{name} Read common document info.
PdfApi getDocumentAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/annotations Read document page annotations. Returns only FreeTextAnnotations, TextAnnotations, other annotations will implemented next releases.
PdfApi getDocumentAttachmentByIndex GET /pdf/{name}/attachments/{attachmentIndex} Read document attachment info by its index.
PdfApi getDocumentAttachments GET /pdf/{name}/attachments Read document attachments info.
PdfApi getDocumentBookmarks GET /pdf/{name}/bookmarks/tree Read document bookmarks tree.
PdfApi getDocumentCaretAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/caret Read document caret annotations.
PdfApi getDocumentCheckBoxFields GET /pdf/{name}/fields/checkbox Read document checkbox fields.
PdfApi getDocumentCircleAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/circle Read document circle annotations.
PdfApi getDocumentComboBoxFields GET /pdf/{name}/fields/combobox Read document combobox fields.
PdfApi getDocumentDisplayProperties GET /pdf/{name}/displayproperties Read document display properties.
PdfApi getDocumentFileAttachmentAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/fileattachment Read document FileAttachment annotations.
PdfApi getDocumentFreeTextAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/freetext Read document free text annotations.
PdfApi getDocumentHighlightAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/highlight Read document highlight annotations.
PdfApi getDocumentInkAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/ink Read document ink annotations.
PdfApi getDocumentLineAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/line Read document line annotations.
PdfApi getDocumentListBoxFields GET /pdf/{name}/fields/listbox Read document listbox fields.
PdfApi getDocumentMovieAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/movie Read document movie annotations.
PdfApi getDocumentPolygonAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/polygon Read document polygon annotations.
PdfApi getDocumentPolyLineAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/polyline Read document polyline annotations.
PdfApi getDocumentPopupAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/popup Read document popup annotations.
PdfApi getDocumentPopupAnnotationsByParent GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/{annotationId}/popup Read document popup annotations by parent id.
PdfApi getDocumentProperties GET /pdf/{name}/documentproperties Read document properties.
PdfApi getDocumentProperty GET /pdf/{name}/documentproperties/{propertyName} Read document property by name.
PdfApi getDocumentRadioButtonFields GET /pdf/{name}/fields/radiobutton Read document radiobutton fields.
PdfApi getDocumentRedactionAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/redaction Read document redaction annotations.
PdfApi getDocumentScreenAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/screen Read document screen annotations.
PdfApi getDocumentSignatureFields GET /pdf/{name}/fields/signature Read document signature fields.
PdfApi getDocumentSoundAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/sound Read document sound annotations.
PdfApi getDocumentSquareAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/square Read document square annotations.
PdfApi getDocumentSquigglyAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/squiggly Read document squiggly annotations.
PdfApi getDocumentStampAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/stamp Read document stamp annotations.
PdfApi getDocumentStamps GET /pdf/{name}/stamps Read document stamps.
PdfApi getDocumentStrikeOutAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/strikeout Read document StrikeOut annotations.
PdfApi getDocumentTables GET /pdf/{name}/tables Read document tables.
PdfApi getDocumentTextAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/text Read document text annotations.
PdfApi getDocumentTextBoxFields GET /pdf/{name}/fields/textbox Read document text box fields.
PdfApi getDocumentUnderlineAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/underline Read document underline annotations.
PdfApi getDownloadDocumentAttachmentByIndex GET /pdf/{name}/attachments/{attachmentIndex}/download Download document attachment content by its index.
PdfApi getEpubInStorageToPdf GET /pdf/create/epub Convert EPUB file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApi getExportFieldsFromPdfToFdfInStorage GET /pdf/{name}/export/fdf Export fields from from PDF in storage to FDF file.
PdfApi getExportFieldsFromPdfToXfdfInStorage GET /pdf/{name}/export/xfdf Export fields from from PDF in storage to XFDF file.
PdfApi getExportFieldsFromPdfToXmlInStorage GET /pdf/{name}/export/xml Export fields from from PDF in storage to XML file.
PdfApi getField GET /pdf/{name}/fields/{fieldName} Get document field by name.
PdfApi getFields GET /pdf/{name}/fields Get document fields.
PdfApi getFileAttachmentAnnotation GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/fileattachment/{annotationId} Read document page FileAttachment annotation by ID.
PdfApi getFileAttachmentAnnotationData GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/fileattachment/{annotationId}/data Read document page FileAttachment annotation by ID.
PdfApi getFilesList GET /pdf/storage/folder/{path} Get all files and folders within a folder
PdfApi getFileVersions GET /pdf/storage/version/{path} Get file versions
PdfApi getFreeTextAnnotation GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/freetext/{annotationId} Read document page free text annotation by ID.
PdfApi getHighlightAnnotation GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/highlight/{annotationId} Read document page highlight annotation by ID.
PdfApi getHtmlInStorageToPdf GET /pdf/create/html Convert HTML file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApi getImage GET /pdf/{name}/images/{imageId} Read document image by ID.
PdfApi getImageExtractAsGif GET /pdf/{name}/images/{imageId}/extract/gif Extract document image in GIF format
PdfApi getImageExtractAsJpeg GET /pdf/{name}/images/{imageId}/extract/jpeg Extract document image in JPEG format
PdfApi getImageExtractAsPng GET /pdf/{name}/images/{imageId}/extract/png Extract document image in PNG format
PdfApi getImageExtractAsTiff GET /pdf/{name}/images/{imageId}/extract/tiff Extract document image in TIFF format
PdfApi getImages GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/images Read document images.
PdfApi getImportFieldsFromFdfInStorage GET /pdf/{name}/import/fdf Update fields from FDF file in storage.
PdfApi getImportFieldsFromXfdfInStorage GET /pdf/{name}/import/xfdf Update fields from XFDF file in storage.
PdfApi getImportFieldsFromXmlInStorage GET /pdf/{name}/import/xml Import from XML file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApi getInkAnnotation GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/ink/{annotationId} Read document page ink annotation by ID.
PdfApi getLaTeXInStorageToPdf GET /pdf/create/latex Convert TeX file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApi getLineAnnotation GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/line/{annotationId} Read document page line annotation by ID.
PdfApi getLinkAnnotation GET /pdf/{name}/links/{linkId} Read document link annotation by ID.
PdfApi getListBoxField GET /pdf/{name}/fields/listbox/{fieldName} Read document listbox field by name.
PdfApi getMarkdownInStorageToPdf GET /pdf/create/markdown Convert MD file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApi getMhtInStorageToPdf GET /pdf/create/mht Convert MHT file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApi getMovieAnnotation GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/movie/{annotationId} Read document page movie annotation by ID.
PdfApi getPage GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber} Read document page info.
PdfApi getPageAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations Read document page annotations. Returns only FreeTextAnnotations, TextAnnotations, other annotations will implemented next releases.
PdfApi getPageCaretAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/caret Read document page caret annotations.
PdfApi getPageCheckBoxFields GET /pdf/{name}/page/{pageNumber}/fields/checkbox Read document page checkbox fields.
PdfApi getPageCircleAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/circle Read document page circle annotations.
PdfApi getPageComboBoxFields GET /pdf/{name}/page/{pageNumber}/fields/combobox Read document page combobox fields.
PdfApi getPageConvertToBmp GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/bmp Convert document page to Bmp image and return resulting file in response.
PdfApi getPageConvertToEmf GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/emf Convert document page to Emf image and return resulting file in response.
PdfApi getPageConvertToGif GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/gif Convert document page to Gif image and return resulting file in response.
PdfApi getPageConvertToJpeg GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/jpeg Convert document page to Jpeg image and return resulting file in response.
PdfApi getPageConvertToPng GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/png Convert document page to Png image and return resulting file in response.
PdfApi getPageConvertToTiff GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/tiff Convert document page to Tiff image and return resulting file in response.
PdfApi getPageFileAttachmentAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/fileattachment Read document page FileAttachment annotations.
PdfApi getPageFreeTextAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/freetext Read document page free text annotations.
PdfApi getPageHighlightAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/highlight Read document page highlight annotations.
PdfApi getPageInkAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/ink Read document page ink annotations.
PdfApi getPageLineAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/line Read document page line annotations.
PdfApi getPageLinkAnnotation GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/links/{linkId} Read document page link annotation by ID.
PdfApi getPageLinkAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/links Read document page link annotations.
PdfApi getPageListBoxFields GET /pdf/{name}/page/{pageNumber}/fields/listbox Read document page listbox fields.
PdfApi getPageMovieAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/movie Read document page movie annotations.
PdfApi getPagePolygonAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/polygon Read document page polygon annotations.
PdfApi getPagePolyLineAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/polyline Read document page polyline annotations.
PdfApi getPagePopupAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/popup Read document page popup annotations.
PdfApi getPageRadioButtonFields GET /pdf/{name}/page/{pageNumber}/fields/radiobutton Read document page radiobutton fields.
PdfApi getPageRedactionAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/redaction Read document page redaction annotations.
PdfApi getPages GET /pdf/{name}/pages Read document pages info.
PdfApi getPageScreenAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/screen Read document page screen annotations.
PdfApi getPageSignatureFields GET /pdf/{name}/page/{pageNumber}/fields/signature Read document page signature fields.
PdfApi getPageSoundAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/sound Read document page sound annotations.
PdfApi getPageSquareAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/square Read document page square annotations.
PdfApi getPageSquigglyAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/squiggly Read document page squiggly annotations.
PdfApi getPageStampAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/stamp Read document page stamp annotations.
PdfApi getPageStamps GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/stamps Read page document stamps.
PdfApi getPageStrikeOutAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/strikeout Read document page StrikeOut annotations.
PdfApi getPageTables GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/tables Read document page tables.
PdfApi getPageText GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/text Read page text items.
PdfApi getPageTextAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/text Read document page text annotations.
PdfApi getPageTextBoxFields GET /pdf/{name}/page/{pageNumber}/fields/textbox Read document page text box fields.
PdfApi getPageUnderlineAnnotations GET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/underline Read document page underline annotations.
PdfApi getPclInStorageToPdf GET /pdf/create/pcl Convert PCL file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApi getPdfAInStorageToPdf GET /pdf/create/pdfa Convert PDFA file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApi getPdfInStorageToDoc GET /pdf/{name}/convert/doc Converts PDF document (located on storage) to DOC format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApi getPdfInStorageToEpub GET /pdf/{name}/convert/epub Converts PDF document (located on storage) to EPUB format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApi getPdfInStorageToHtml GET /pdf/{name}/convert/html Converts PDF document (located on storage) to Html format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApi getPdfInStorageToLaTeX GET /pdf/{name}/convert/latex Converts PDF document (located on storage) to TeX format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApi getPdfInStorageToMobiXml GET /pdf/{name}/convert/mobixml Converts PDF document (located on storage) to MOBIXML format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApi getPdfInStorageToPdfA GET /pdf/{name}/convert/pdfa Converts PDF document (located on storage) to PdfA format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApi getPdfInStorageToPptx GET /pdf/{name}/convert/pptx Converts PDF document (located on storage) to PPTX format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApi getPdfInStorageToSvg GET /pdf/{name}/convert/svg Converts PDF document (located on storage) to SVG format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApi getPdfInStorageToTeX GET /pdf/{name}/convert/tex Converts PDF document (located on storage) to TeX format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApi getPdfInStorageToTiff GET /pdf/{name}/convert/tiff Converts PDF document (located on storage) to TIFF format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApi getPdfInStorageToXls GET /pdf/{name}/convert/xls Converts PDF document (located on storage) to XLS format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApi getPdfInStorageToXlsx GET /pdf/{name}/convert/xlsx Converts PDF document (located on storage) to XLSX format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApi getPdfInStorageToXml GET /pdf/{name}/convert/xml Converts PDF document (located on storage) to XML format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApi getPdfInStorageToXps GET /pdf/{name}/convert/xps Converts PDF document (located on storage) to XPS format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApi getPolygonAnnotation GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/polygon/{annotationId} Read document page polygon annotation by ID.
PdfApi getPolyLineAnnotation GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/polyline/{annotationId} Read document page polyline annotation by ID.
PdfApi getPopupAnnotation GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/popup/{annotationId} Read document page popup annotation by ID.
PdfApi getPsInStorageToPdf GET /pdf/create/ps Convert PS file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApi getRadioButtonField GET /pdf/{name}/fields/radiobutton/{fieldName} Read document RadioButton field by name.
PdfApi getRedactionAnnotation GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/redaction/{annotationId} Read document page redaction annotation by ID.
PdfApi getScreenAnnotation GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/screen/{annotationId} Read document page screen annotation by ID.
PdfApi getScreenAnnotationData GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/screen/{annotationId}/data Read document page screen annotation by ID.
PdfApi getSignatureField GET /pdf/{name}/fields/signature/{fieldName} Read document signature field by name.
PdfApi getSoundAnnotation GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/sound/{annotationId} Read document page sound annotation by ID.
PdfApi getSoundAnnotationData GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/sound/{annotationId}/data Read document page sound annotation by ID.
PdfApi getSquareAnnotation GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/square/{annotationId} Read document page square annotation by ID.
PdfApi getSquigglyAnnotation GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/squiggly/{annotationId} Read document page squiggly annotation by ID.
PdfApi getStampAnnotation GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/stamp/{annotationId} Read document page stamp annotation by ID.
PdfApi getStampAnnotationData GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/stamp/{annotationId}/data Read document page stamp annotation by ID.
PdfApi getStrikeOutAnnotation GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/strikeout/{annotationId} Read document page StrikeOut annotation by ID.
PdfApi getSvgInStorageToPdf GET /pdf/create/svg Convert SVG file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApi getTable GET /pdf/{name}/tables/{tableId} Read document page table by ID.
PdfApi getTeXInStorageToPdf GET /pdf/create/tex Convert TeX file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApi getText GET /pdf/{name}/text Read document text.
PdfApi getTextAnnotation GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/text/{annotationId} Read document page text annotation by ID.
PdfApi getTextBoxField GET /pdf/{name}/fields/textbox/{fieldName} Read document text box field by name.
PdfApi getUnderlineAnnotation GET /pdf/{name}/annotations/underline/{annotationId} Read document page underline annotation by ID.
PdfApi getVerifySignature GET /pdf/{name}/verifySignature Verify signature document.
PdfApi getWebInStorageToPdf GET /pdf/create/web Convert web page to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApi getWordsPerPage GET /pdf/{name}/pages/wordCount Get number of words per document page.
PdfApi getXfaPdfInStorageToAcroForm GET /pdf/{name}/convert/xfatoacroform Converts PDF document which contains XFA form (located on storage) to PDF with AcroForm and returns resulting file response content
PdfApi getXmlInStorageToPdf GET /pdf/create/xml Convert XML file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApi getXpsInStorageToPdf GET /pdf/create/xps Convert XPS file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApi getXslFoInStorageToPdf GET /pdf/create/xslfo Convert XslFo file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApi moveFile PUT /pdf/storage/file/move/{srcPath} Move file
PdfApi moveFolder PUT /pdf/storage/folder/move/{srcPath} Move folder
PdfApi objectExists GET /pdf/storage/exist/{path} Check if file or folder exists
PdfApi postAppendDocument POST /pdf/{name}/appendDocument Append document to existing one.
PdfApi postBookmark POST /pdf/{name}/bookmarks/bookmark/{bookmarkPath} Add document bookmarks.
PdfApi postChangePasswordDocumentInStorage POST /pdf/{name}/changepassword Change document password in storage.
PdfApi postCheckBoxFields POST /pdf/{name}/fields/checkbox Add document checkbox fields.
PdfApi postComboBoxFields POST /pdf/{name}/fields/combobox Add document combobox fields.
PdfApi postCreateDocument POST /pdf/{name} Create empty document.
PdfApi postCreateField POST /pdf/{name}/fields Create field.
PdfApi postDecryptDocumentInStorage POST /pdf/{name}/decrypt Decrypt document in storage.
PdfApi postDocumentImageFooter POST /pdf/{name}/footer/image Add document image footer.
PdfApi postDocumentImageHeader POST /pdf/{name}/header/image Add document image header.
PdfApi postDocumentPageNumberStamps POST /pdf/{name}/stamps/pagenumber Add document page number stamps.
PdfApi postDocumentTextFooter POST /pdf/{name}/footer/text Add document text footer.
PdfApi postDocumentTextHeader POST /pdf/{name}/header/text Add document text header.
PdfApi postDocumentTextReplace POST /pdf/{name}/text/replace Document's replace text method.
PdfApi postEncryptDocumentInStorage POST /pdf/{name}/encrypt Encrypt document in storage.
PdfApi postFlattenDocument POST /pdf/{name}/flatten Flatten the document.
PdfApi postImportFieldsFromFdf POST /pdf/{name}/import/fdf Update fields from FDF file in request.
PdfApi postImportFieldsFromXfdf POST /pdf/{name}/import/xfdf Update fields from XFDF file in request.
PdfApi postImportFieldsFromXml POST /pdf/{name}/import/xml Update fields from XML file in request.
PdfApi postInsertImage POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/images Insert image to document page.
PdfApi postListBoxFields POST /pdf/{name}/fields/listbox Add document listbox fields.
PdfApi postMovePage POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/movePage Move page to new position.
PdfApi postOptimizeDocument POST /pdf/{name}/optimize Optimize document.
PdfApi postPageCaretAnnotations POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/caret Add document page caret annotations.
PdfApi postPageCertify POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/certify Certify document page.
PdfApi postPageCircleAnnotations POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/circle Add document page circle annotations.
PdfApi postPageFileAttachmentAnnotations POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/fileattachment Add document page FileAttachment annotations.
PdfApi postPageFreeTextAnnotations POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/freetext Add document page free text annotations.
PdfApi postPageHighlightAnnotations POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/highlight Add document page highlight annotations.
PdfApi postPageImageStamps POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/stamps/image Add document page image stamps.
PdfApi postPageInkAnnotations POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/ink Add document page ink annotations.
PdfApi postPageLineAnnotations POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/line Add document page line annotations.
PdfApi postPageLinkAnnotations POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/links Add document page link annotations.
PdfApi postPageMovieAnnotations POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/movie Add document page movie annotations.
PdfApi postPagePdfPageStamps POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/stamps/pdfpage Add document pdf page stamps.
PdfApi postPagePolygonAnnotations POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/polygon Add document page polygon annotations.
PdfApi postPagePolyLineAnnotations POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/polyline Add document page polyline annotations.
PdfApi postPageRedactionAnnotations POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/redaction Add document page redaction annotations.
PdfApi postPageScreenAnnotations POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/screen Add document page screen annotations.
PdfApi postPageSoundAnnotations POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/sound Add document page sound annotations.
PdfApi postPageSquareAnnotations POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/square Add document page square annotations.
PdfApi postPageSquigglyAnnotations POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/squiggly Add document page squiggly annotations.
PdfApi postPageStampAnnotations POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/stamp Add document page stamp annotations.
PdfApi postPageStrikeOutAnnotations POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/strikeout Add document page StrikeOut annotations.
PdfApi postPageTables POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/tables Add document page tables.
PdfApi postPageTextAnnotations POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/text Add document page text annotations.
PdfApi postPageTextReplace POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/text/replace Page's replace text method.
PdfApi postPageTextStamps POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/stamps/text Add document page text stamps.
PdfApi postPageUnderlineAnnotations POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/underline Add document page underline annotations.
PdfApi postPopupAnnotation POST /pdf/{name}/annotations/{annotationId}/popup Add document popup annotations.
PdfApi postRadioButtonFields POST /pdf/{name}/fields/radiobutton Add document RadioButton fields.
PdfApi postSignatureField POST /pdf/{name}/fields/signature Add document signature field.
PdfApi postSignDocument POST /pdf/{name}/sign Sign document.
PdfApi postSignPage POST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/sign Sign page.
PdfApi postSplitDocument POST /pdf/{name}/split Split document to parts.
PdfApi postTextBoxFields POST /pdf/{name}/fields/textbox Add document text box fields.
PdfApi putAddNewPage PUT /pdf/{name}/pages Add new page to end of the document.
PdfApi putAddText PUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/text Add text to PDF document page.
PdfApi putAnnotationsFlatten PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/flatten Flattens the annotations of the specified types
PdfApi putBookmark PUT /pdf/{name}/bookmarks/bookmark/{bookmarkPath} Update document bookmark.
PdfApi putCaretAnnotation PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/caret/{annotationId} Replace document caret annotation
PdfApi putChangePasswordDocument PUT /pdf/changepassword Change document password from content.
PdfApi putCheckBoxField PUT /pdf/{name}/fields/checkbox/{fieldName} Replace document checkbox field
PdfApi putCircleAnnotation PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/circle/{annotationId} Replace document circle annotation
PdfApi putComboBoxField PUT /pdf/{name}/fields/combobox/{fieldName} Replace document combobox field
PdfApi putCreateDocument PUT /pdf/{name} Create empty document.
PdfApi putDecryptDocument PUT /pdf/decrypt Decrypt document from content.
PdfApi putDocumentDisplayProperties PUT /pdf/{name}/displayproperties Update document display properties.
PdfApi putEncryptDocument PUT /pdf/encrypt Encrypt document from content.
PdfApi putEpubInStorageToPdf PUT /pdf/{name}/create/epub Convert EPUB file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putExportFieldsFromPdfToFdfInStorage PUT /pdf/{name}/export/fdf Export fields from from PDF in storage to FDF file in storage.
PdfApi putExportFieldsFromPdfToXfdfInStorage PUT /pdf/{name}/export/xfdf Export fields from from PDF in storage to XFDF file in storage.
PdfApi putExportFieldsFromPdfToXmlInStorage PUT /pdf/{name}/export/xml Export fields from from PDF in storage to XML file in storage.
PdfApi putFieldsFlatten PUT /pdf/{name}/fields/flatten Flatten form fields in document.
PdfApi putFileAttachmentAnnotation PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/fileattachment/{annotationId} Replace document FileAttachment annotation
PdfApi putFileAttachmentAnnotationDataExtract PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/fileattachment/{annotationId}/data/extract Extract document FileAttachment annotation content to storage
PdfApi putFreeTextAnnotation PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/freetext/{annotationId} Replace document free text annotation
PdfApi putHighlightAnnotation PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/highlight/{annotationId} Replace document highlight annotation
PdfApi putHtmlInStorageToPdf PUT /pdf/{name}/create/html Convert HTML file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putImageExtractAsGif PUT /pdf/{name}/images/{imageId}/extract/gif Extract document image in GIF format to folder
PdfApi putImageExtractAsJpeg PUT /pdf/{name}/images/{imageId}/extract/jpeg Extract document image in JPEG format to folder
PdfApi putImageExtractAsPng PUT /pdf/{name}/images/{imageId}/extract/png Extract document image in PNG format to folder
PdfApi putImageExtractAsTiff PUT /pdf/{name}/images/{imageId}/extract/tiff Extract document image in TIFF format to folder
PdfApi putImageInStorageToPdf PUT /pdf/{name}/create/images Convert image file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putImagesExtractAsGif PUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/images/extract/gif Extract document images in GIF format to folder.
PdfApi putImagesExtractAsJpeg PUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/images/extract/jpeg Extract document images in JPEG format to folder.
PdfApi putImagesExtractAsPng PUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/images/extract/png Extract document images in PNG format to folder.
PdfApi putImagesExtractAsTiff PUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/images/extract/tiff Extract document images in TIFF format to folder.
PdfApi putImportFieldsFromFdfInStorage PUT /pdf/{name}/import/fdf Update fields from FDF file in storage.
PdfApi putImportFieldsFromXfdfInStorage PUT /pdf/{name}/import/xfdf Update fields from XFDF file in storage.
PdfApi putImportFieldsFromXmlInStorage PUT /pdf/{name}/import/xml Update fields from XML file in storage.
PdfApi putInkAnnotation PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/ink/{annotationId} Replace document ink annotation
PdfApi putLaTeXInStorageToPdf PUT /pdf/{name}/create/latex Convert TeX file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putLineAnnotation PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/line/{annotationId} Replace document line annotation
PdfApi putLinkAnnotation PUT /pdf/{name}/links/{linkId} Replace document page link annotations
PdfApi putListBoxField PUT /pdf/{name}/fields/listbox/{fieldName} Replace document listbox field
PdfApi putMarkdownInStorageToPdf PUT /pdf/{name}/create/markdown Convert MD file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putMergeDocuments PUT /pdf/{name}/merge Merge a list of documents.
PdfApi putMhtInStorageToPdf PUT /pdf/{name}/create/mht Convert MHT file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putMovieAnnotation PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/movie/{annotationId} Replace document movie annotation
PdfApi putPageAddStamp PUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/stamp Add page stamp.
PdfApi putPageConvertToBmp PUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/bmp Convert document page to bmp image and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putPageConvertToEmf PUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/emf Convert document page to emf image and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putPageConvertToGif PUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/gif Convert document page to gif image and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putPageConvertToJpeg PUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/jpeg Convert document page to Jpeg image and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putPageConvertToPng PUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/png Convert document page to png image and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putPageConvertToTiff PUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/tiff Convert document page to Tiff image and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putPclInStorageToPdf PUT /pdf/{name}/create/pcl Convert PCL file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putPdfAInStorageToPdf PUT /pdf/{name}/create/pdfa Convert PDFA file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putPdfInRequestToDoc PUT /pdf/convert/doc Converts PDF document (in request content) to DOC format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putPdfInRequestToEpub PUT /pdf/convert/epub Converts PDF document (in request content) to EPUB format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putPdfInRequestToHtml PUT /pdf/convert/html Converts PDF document (in request content) to Html format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putPdfInRequestToLaTeX PUT /pdf/convert/latex Converts PDF document (in request content) to TeX format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putPdfInRequestToMobiXml PUT /pdf/convert/mobixml Converts PDF document (in request content) to MOBIXML format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putPdfInRequestToPdfA PUT /pdf/convert/pdfa Converts PDF document (in request content) to PdfA format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putPdfInRequestToPptx PUT /pdf/convert/pptx Converts PDF document (in request content) to PPTX format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putPdfInRequestToSvg PUT /pdf/convert/svg Converts PDF document (in request content) to SVG format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putPdfInRequestToTeX PUT /pdf/convert/tex Converts PDF document (in request content) to TeX format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putPdfInRequestToTiff PUT /pdf/convert/tiff Converts PDF document (in request content) to TIFF format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putPdfInRequestToXls PUT /pdf/convert/xls Converts PDF document (in request content) to XLS format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putPdfInRequestToXlsx PUT /pdf/convert/xlsx Converts PDF document (in request content) to XLSX format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putPdfInRequestToXml PUT /pdf/convert/xml Converts PDF document (in request content) to XML format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putPdfInRequestToXps PUT /pdf/convert/xps Converts PDF document (in request content) to XPS format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putPdfInStorageToDoc PUT /pdf/{name}/convert/doc Converts PDF document (located on storage) to DOC format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApi putPdfInStorageToEpub PUT /pdf/{name}/convert/epub Converts PDF document (located on storage) to EPUB format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApi putPdfInStorageToHtml PUT /pdf/{name}/convert/html Converts PDF document (located on storage) to Html format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApi putPdfInStorageToLaTeX PUT /pdf/{name}/convert/latex Converts PDF document (located on storage) to TeX format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApi putPdfInStorageToMobiXml PUT /pdf/{name}/convert/mobixml Converts PDF document (located on storage) to MOBIXML format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApi putPdfInStorageToPdfA PUT /pdf/{name}/convert/pdfa Converts PDF document (located on storage) to PdfA format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApi putPdfInStorageToPptx PUT /pdf/{name}/convert/pptx Converts PDF document (located on storage) to PPTX format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApi putPdfInStorageToSvg PUT /pdf/{name}/convert/svg Converts PDF document (located on storage) to SVG format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApi putPdfInStorageToTeX PUT /pdf/{name}/convert/tex Converts PDF document (located on storage) to TeX format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApi putPdfInStorageToTiff PUT /pdf/{name}/convert/tiff Converts PDF document (located on storage) to TIFF format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApi putPdfInStorageToXls PUT /pdf/{name}/convert/xls Converts PDF document (located on storage) to XLS format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApi putPdfInStorageToXlsx PUT /pdf/{name}/convert/xlsx Converts PDF document (located on storage) to XLSX format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApi putPdfInStorageToXml PUT /pdf/{name}/convert/xml Converts PDF document (located on storage) to XML format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApi putPdfInStorageToXps PUT /pdf/{name}/convert/xps Converts PDF document (located on storage) to XPS format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApi putPolygonAnnotation PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/polygon/{annotationId} Replace document polygon annotation
PdfApi putPolyLineAnnotation PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/polyline/{annotationId} Replace document polyline annotation
PdfApi putPopupAnnotation PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/popup/{annotationId} Replace document popup annotation
PdfApi putPrivileges PUT /pdf/{name}/privileges Update privilege document.
PdfApi putPsInStorageToPdf PUT /pdf/{name}/create/ps Convert PS file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putRadioButtonField PUT /pdf/{name}/fields/radiobutton/{fieldName} Replace document RadioButton field
PdfApi putRedactionAnnotation PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/redaction/{annotationId} Replace document redaction annotation
PdfApi putReplaceImage PUT /pdf/{name}/images/{imageId} Replace document image.
PdfApi putScreenAnnotation PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/screen/{annotationId} Replace document screen annotation
PdfApi putScreenAnnotationDataExtract PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/screen/{annotationId}/data/extract Extract document screen annotation content to storage
PdfApi putSearchableDocument PUT /pdf/{name}/ocr Create searchable PDF document. Generate OCR layer for images in input PDF document.
PdfApi putSetProperty PUT /pdf/{name}/documentproperties/{propertyName} Add/update document property.
PdfApi putSignatureField PUT /pdf/{name}/fields/signature/{fieldName} Replace document signature field.
PdfApi putSoundAnnotation PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/sound/{annotationId} Replace document sound annotation
PdfApi putSoundAnnotationDataExtract PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/sound/{annotationId}/data/extract Extract document sound annotation content to storage
PdfApi putSquareAnnotation PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/square/{annotationId} Replace document square annotation
PdfApi putSquigglyAnnotation PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/squiggly/{annotationId} Replace document squiggly annotation
PdfApi putStampAnnotation PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/stamp/{annotationId} Replace document stamp annotation
PdfApi putStampAnnotationDataExtract PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/stamp/{annotationId}/data/extract Extract document stamp annotation content to storage
PdfApi putStrikeOutAnnotation PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/strikeout/{annotationId} Replace document StrikeOut annotation
PdfApi putSvgInStorageToPdf PUT /pdf/{name}/create/svg Convert SVG file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putTable PUT /pdf/{name}/tables/{tableId} Replace document page table.
PdfApi putTeXInStorageToPdf PUT /pdf/{name}/create/tex Convert TeX file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putTextAnnotation PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/text/{annotationId} Replace document text annotation
PdfApi putTextBoxField PUT /pdf/{name}/fields/textbox/{fieldName} Replace document text box field
PdfApi putUnderlineAnnotation PUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/underline/{annotationId} Replace document underline annotation
PdfApi putUpdateField PUT /pdf/{name}/fields/{fieldName} Update field.
PdfApi putUpdateFields PUT /pdf/{name}/fields Update fields.
PdfApi putWebInStorageToPdf PUT /pdf/{name}/create/web Convert web page to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putXfaPdfInRequestToAcroForm PUT /pdf/convert/xfatoacroform Converts PDF document which contains XFA form (in request content) to PDF with AcroForm and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putXfaPdfInStorageToAcroForm PUT /pdf/{name}/convert/xfatoacroform Converts PDF document which contains XFA form (located on storage) to PDF with AcroForm and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApi putXmlInStorageToPdf PUT /pdf/{name}/create/xml Convert XML file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putXpsInStorageToPdf PUT /pdf/{name}/create/xps Convert XPS file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApi putXslFoInStorageToPdf PUT /pdf/{name}/create/xslfo Convert XslFo file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApi storageExists GET /pdf/storage/{storageName}/exist Check if storage exists
PdfApi uploadFile PUT /pdf/storage/file/{path} Upload file

Documentation for Models

Class Description
Annotation Provides annotation.
AnnotationFlags A set of flags specifying various characteristics of the annotation.
AnnotationInfo Provides annotation.
AnnotationsInfo Object representing a list of annotation info objects.
AnnotationsInfoResponse Represents multiple annotations info reponse
AnnotationState The enumeration of states to which the original annotation can be set.
AntialiasingProcessingType This enum describes possible antialiasing measures during conversion
ApiInfo Represents response for ApiInfo DTO
AsposeResponse Base class for all responses.
Attachment Provides link to attachment.
AttachmentResponse Represents response containing single attachment info
Attachments Represents list of attachment.
AttachmentsResponse Represents response containing multiple attachments info
Bookmark Provides link to bookmark.
BookmarkResponse Represents response containing single bookmark info
Bookmarks Represents list of bookmark.
BookmarksResponse Represents response containing multiple bookmarks info
Border Class representing characteristics of annotation border.
BorderCornerStyle Enumerates the border corner styles for border.
BorderEffect Describes effect which should be applied to the border of the annotations.
BorderInfo This class represents border for graphics elements.
BorderStyle Describes style of the annotation border.
BoxStyle Represents an enumeration of available BoxStyle types.
CapStyle Style of line ending of Ink annotation line.
CaptionPosition Enumeration of the annotation’s caption positioning.
CaretAnnotation Provides CaretAnnotation.
CaretAnnotationResponse Represents response containing single caret annotation object
CaretAnnotations Object representing a list of caret annotations.
CaretAnnotationsResponse Represents response containing multiple caret annotation objects
CaretSymbol A symbol to be associated with the caret.
Cell Represents a cell of the table's row.
CheckBoxField Provides CheckBoxField.
CheckBoxFieldResponse Represents response containing single checkbox field object
CheckBoxFields Object representing a list of checkbox fields.
CheckBoxFieldsResponse Represents response containing multiple checkbox field objects
ChoiceField Provides Choice field.
CircleAnnotation Provides CircleAnnotation.
CircleAnnotationResponse Represents response containing single circle annotation object
CircleAnnotations Object representing a list of circle annotations.
CircleAnnotationsResponse Represents response containing multiple circle annotation objects
Color Represents color DTO.
ColorDepth Used to specify the parameter value passed to a Tiff image device.
ColumnAdjustment Enumerates column adjustment types.
ComboBoxField Provides ComboBoxField.
ComboBoxFieldResponse Represents response containing single combobox field object
ComboBoxFields Object representing a list of combobox fields.
ComboBoxFieldsResponse Represents response containing multiple combobox field objects
CommonFigureAnnotation Provides CommonFigureAnnotation.
CompressionType Used to specify the parameter value passed to a Tiff image device.
CryptoAlgorithm Represent type of cryptographic algorithm that used in encryption/decryption routines.
Dash Class representing line dash pattern.
DefaultPageConfig Provides link to DefaultPageConfig.
Direction Text direction.
DiscUsage Class for disc space information.
DisplayProperties Provides link to DisplayProperties.
DisplayPropertiesResponse Represents response containing DisplayProperties
DocFormat Allows to specify .doc or .docx file format.
DocMDPAccessPermissionType The access permissions granted for this document. Valid values are: 1 - No changes to the document are permitted; any change to the document invalidates the signature. 2 - Permitted changes are filling in forms, instantiating page templates, and signing; other changes invalidate the signature. 3 - Permitted changes are the same as for 2, as well as annotation creation, deletion, and modification; other changes invalidate the signature.
DocRecognitionMode Allows to control how a PDF document is converted into a word processing document.
Document Represents document DTO.
DocumentConfig Provides link to DocumentConfig.
DocumentPageResponse Represents response containing single page info
DocumentPagesResponse Represents response containing multiple pages info
DocumentPrivilege Represents the privileges for accessing Pdf file.
DocumentProperties Represents list of PDF document properties.
DocumentPropertiesResponse Represents response containing multiple document properties info
DocumentProperty Pdf document property.
DocumentPropertyResponse Represents response containing single document property info
DocumentResponse Represents response containing document info
EpubRecognitionMode When PDF file (that usually has fixed layout) is being converted, the conversion engine tries to perform grouping and multi-level analysis to restore the original document author's intent and produce result in flow layout. This property tunes that conversion for this or that desirable method of recognition of content.
Error Error
ErrorDetails The error details
Field Represents form field.
FieldResponse Represents response containing single field info
Fields Represents list of form fields.
FieldsResponse Represents response containing multiple fields info
FieldType Represents an enumeration of available field types.
FileAttachmentAnnotation Provides FileAttachmentAnnotation.
FileAttachmentAnnotationResponse Represents response containing single FileAttachment annotation object
FileAttachmentAnnotations Object representing a list of FileAttachment annotations.
FileAttachmentAnnotationsResponse Represents response containing multiple FileAttachment annotation objects
FileIcon An icon to be used in displaying the annotation.
FilesList Files list
FilesUploadResult File upload result
FileVersion File Version
FileVersions File versions FileVersion.
FontEncodingRules This enumeration defines rules which tune encoding logic
FontSavingModes Enumerates modes that can be used for saving of fonts referenced in saved PDF
FontStyles Specifies style information applied to text.
FormField Provides form field.
FreeTextAnnotation Provides FreeTextAnnotation.
FreeTextAnnotationResponse Represents response containing single free text annotation object
FreeTextAnnotations Object representing a list of free text annotations.
FreeTextAnnotationsResponse Represents response containing multiple free text annotation objects
FreeTextIntent Enumerates the intents of the free text annotation.
GraphInfo Represents graphics info.
HighlightAnnotation Provides HighlightAnnotation.
HighlightAnnotationResponse Represents response containing single highlight annotation object
HighlightAnnotations Object representing a list of highlight annotations.
HighlightAnnotationsResponse Represents response containing multiple highlight annotation objects
HorizontalAlignment Describes horizontal alignment.
HtmlDocumentType Represents enumeration of the Html document types.
HtmlMarkupGenerationModes Sometimes specific reqirments to created HTML are present. This enum defines HTML preparing modes that can be used during conversion of PDF to HTML to match such specific requirments.
Image Represents image DTO.
ImageCompressionVersion Describes versions of image compression algorithm.
ImageEncoding Image encoding type.
ImageFooter Represents Pdf image footer.
ImageFragment Represents Image Fragment DTO.
ImageHeader Represents Pdf image header.
ImageResponse Represents response containing single image info
Images Represents list of images.
ImageSrcType Allows to specify image file format.
ImagesResponse Represents response containing multiple images info
ImageStamp Represents Pdf stamps.
ImageTemplate Template of image.
ImageTemplatesRequest Create document from images request.
InkAnnotation Provides InkAnnotation.
InkAnnotationResponse Represents response containing single ink annotation object
InkAnnotations Object representing a list of ink annotations.
InkAnnotationsResponse Represents response containing multiple ink annotation objects
Justification Enumerates the forms of quadding (justification) to be used in displaying the annotation’s text.
LettersPositioningMethods It enumerates possible modes of positioning of letters in words in result HTML
LineAnnotation Provides LineAnnotation.
LineAnnotationResponse Represents response containing single line annotation object
LineAnnotations Object representing a list of line annotations.
LineAnnotationsResponse Represents response containing multiple line annotation objects
LineEnding Enumerates the line ending styles to be used in drawing the line.
LineIntent Enumerates the intents of the line annotation.
LineSpacing Defines line spacing specifics
Link Provides information for the object link. This is supposed to be an atom:link, therefore it should have all attributes specified here http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4287#section-4.2.7
LinkActionType Represents list of link action types.
LinkAnnotation Provides link to linkAnnotation.
LinkAnnotationResponse Represents response containing single link info
LinkAnnotations Object representing a list of link annotations.
LinkAnnotationsResponse Represents response containing multiple links info
LinkElement Represents base DTO object.
LinkHighlightingMode Enumerates the annotation’s highlighting mode, the visual effect to be used when the mouse button is pressed or held down inside its active area.
ListBoxField Provides ListBoxField.
ListBoxFieldResponse Represents response containing single listbox field object
ListBoxFields Object representing a list of listbox fields.
ListBoxFieldsResponse Represents response containing multiple listbox field objects
MarginInfo This class represents a margin for different objects.
MarkupAnnotation Provides MarkupAnnotation.
MergeDocuments Documents for merging.
MovieAnnotation Provides MovieAnnotation.
MovieAnnotationResponse Represents response containing single movie annotation object
MovieAnnotations Object representing a list of movie annotations.
MovieAnnotationsResponse Represents response containing multiple movie annotation objects
ObjectExist Object exists
OptimizeOptions Represents Pdf optimize options.
Option Provides form option.
OutputFormat Enumeration for output type format.
Page Provides link to page.
PageLayout Descibes page layout.
PageMode Class descibes used components of the document page.
PageNumberStamp Represents Pdf stamps.
Pages Represents list of pages.
PageWordCount Page words count.
Paragraph Represents text paragraphs as multiline text object.
PartsEmbeddingModes This enum enumerates possible modes of embedding of files referenced in HTML It allows to control whether referenced files (HTML, Fonts,Images, CSSes) will be embedded into main HTML file or will be generated as apart binary entities
PdfAType Allows to specify PdfA file format.
PdfPageStamp Represents Pdf stamps.
PermissionsFlags This enum represents user's permissions for a pdf.
Point Represent point with fractional coordinates.
PolyAnnotation Provides PolyAnnotation.
PolygonAnnotation Provides PolygonAnnotation.
PolygonAnnotationResponse Represents response containing single polygon annotation object
PolygonAnnotations Object representing a list of polygon annotations.
PolygonAnnotationsResponse Represents response containing multiple polygon annotation objects
PolyIntent Enumerates the intents of the polygon or polyline annotation.
PolyLineAnnotation Provides PolyLineAnnotation.
PolyLineAnnotationResponse Represents response containing single polyline annotation object
PolyLineAnnotations Object representing a list of polyline annotations.
PolyLineAnnotationsResponse Represents response containing multiple polyline annotation objects
PopupAnnotation Provides PopupAnnotation.
PopupAnnotationResponse Represents response containing single popup annotation object
PopupAnnotations Object representing a list of popup annotations.
PopupAnnotationsResponse Represents response containing multiple popup annotation objects
PopupAnnotationWithParent Provides PopupAnnotation.
Position Represents a position object
RadioButtonField Provides RadioButtonField.
RadioButtonFieldResponse Represents response containing single RadioButton field object
RadioButtonFields Object representing a list of radiobox fields.
RadioButtonFieldsResponse Represents response containing multiple RadioButton field objects
RadioButtonOptionField Provides RadioButtonField.
RasterImagesSavingModes Converted PDF can contain raster images(.png, *.jpeg etc.) This enum defines methods of how raster images can be handled during conversion of PDF to HTML
Rectangle Represents rectangle DTO.
RedactionAnnotation Provides RedactionAnnotation.
RedactionAnnotationResponse Represents response containing single redaction annotation object
RedactionAnnotations Object representing a list of redaction annotations.
RedactionAnnotationsResponse Represents response containing multiple redaction annotation objects
Rotation Enumeration of possible rotation values.
Row Represents a row of the table.
ScreenAnnotation Provides ScreenAnnotation.
ScreenAnnotationResponse Represents response containing single screen annotation object
ScreenAnnotations Object representing a list of screen annotations.
ScreenAnnotationsResponse Represents response containing multiple screen annotation objects
Segment Represents segment of Pdf text.
ShapeType This enum represents shape type for the extracted images.
Signature Represents signature.
SignatureCustomAppearance An abstract class which represents signature custom appearance object.
SignatureField Provides SignatureField.
SignatureFieldResponse Represents response containing single signature field object
SignatureFields Object representing a list of signature fields.
SignatureFieldsResponse Represents response containing multiple signature field objects
SignatureType The type of signature.
SignatureVerifyResponse Represent responce containing signature verification result
SoundAnnotation Provides SoundAnnotation.
SoundAnnotationResponse Represents response containing single Sound annotation object
SoundAnnotations Object representing a list of Sound annotations.
SoundAnnotationsResponse Represents response containing multiple sound annotation objects
SoundEncoding The encoding format for the sample data.
SoundIcon An icon to be used in displaying the annotation.
SplitResult Represents split result object.
SplitResultDocument Represents split result document,
SplitResultResponse Represents responce containing split result.
SquareAnnotation Provides SquareAnnotation.
SquareAnnotationResponse Represents response containing single square annotation object
SquareAnnotations Object representing a list of square annotations.
SquareAnnotationsResponse Represents response containing multiple square annotation objects
SquigglyAnnotation Provides SquigglyAnnotation.
SquigglyAnnotationResponse Represents response containing single squiggly-underline annotation object
SquigglyAnnotations Object representing a list of squiggly-underline annotations.
SquigglyAnnotationsResponse Represents response containing multiple squiggly-underline annotation objects
Stamp Represents Pdf stamps.
StampAnnotation Provides StampAnnotation.
StampAnnotationResponse Represents response containing single stamp annotation object
StampAnnotations Object representing a list of stamp annotations.
StampAnnotationsResponse Represents response containing multiple stamp annotation objects
StampBase Represents Pdf stamps.
StampIcon Enumerates the icons to be used in displaying the annotation.
StampInfo Provides stamp info.
StampsInfo Object representing a list of stamps.
StampsInfoResponse Represents multiple stamps info reponse
StampType Represents enumeration of the stamp types.
StorageExist Storage exists
StorageFile File or folder information
StrikeOutAnnotation Provides StrikeOutAnnotation.
StrikeOutAnnotationResponse Represents response containing single strikeout annotation object
StrikeOutAnnotations Object representing a list of strikeout annotations.
StrikeOutAnnotationsResponse Represents response containing multiple strikeout annotation objects
Table Represents a table that can be added to the page.
TableBroken Enumerates the table broken.
TableRecognizedResponse Represents response containing single recognized table
TablesRecognized Represents list of recognized tables.
TablesRecognizedResponse Represents response containing multiple tables info
TextAnnotation Provides TextAnnotation.
TextAnnotationResponse Represents response containing single text annotation object
TextAnnotations Object representing a list of text annotations.
TextAnnotationsResponse Represents response containing multiple text annotation objects
TextBoxField Provides TextBoxField.
TextBoxFieldResponse Represents response containing single text box field object
TextBoxFields Object representing a list of text box fields.
TextBoxFieldsResponse Represents response containing multiple text box field objects
TextFooter Represents Pdf text header.
TextHeader Represents Pdf text header.
TextHorizontalAlignment Describes text horizontal alignment.
TextIcon Enumerates the icons to be used in displaying the annotation.
TextLine A line of text to be inserted into paragraph.
TextRect Represents text occurrence.
TextRects Represents multiple text occurrences DTO.
TextRectsResponse Represents response containing multiple text occurrences info
TextReplace Single text replacement setting.
TextReplaceListRequest Multiple text replacements request.
TextReplaceResponse Represents response containing the result of text replacement
TextStamp Represents Pdf stamps.
TextState Represents a text state of a text
TextStyle Represents a text style of a text
TimestampSettings Represents the ocsp settings using during signing process.
UnderlineAnnotation Provides UnderlineAnnotation.
UnderlineAnnotationResponse Represents response containing single underline annotation object
UnderlineAnnotations Object representing a list of underline annotations.
UnderlineAnnotationsResponse Represents response containing multiple underline annotation objects
VerticalAlignment Enumeration of possible vertical alignment values.
WordCount Number of words per document pages.
WordCountResponse Number of words per document pages.
WrapMode Defines word wrapping strategies

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