Code repo for optimizing distributions of molecules.
Jupyter NotebookGPL-3.0
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When I ran, met a valueerror about data shape
#15 opened by Mayjig - 1
'../data/pkl/QED_score.pkl.gz' is missing?
#9 opened by 4575759ww - 0
- 0
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Request for exact steps and sequence of py files to run and issues with GPmol
#12 opened by webservicereco - 11
how to use ORGANIC
#6 opened by xuzhang5788 - 1
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Could you provide the ?
#11 opened by AustinApple - 0
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Reusei the saved model
#1 opened by sweetkurapika - 1
How to improve GPU usage?
#3 opened by toushi68 - 1
cannot import name 'core_rnn_cell_impl'
#5 opened by figten - 0
How to deal with modified SMILES
#4 opened by lixinyuu - 2
rollout update_params issues
#2 opened by Yuanpengli