Olympus: a benchmarking framework for noisy optimization and experiment planning
Jupyter NotebookMIT
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missing packages
#31 opened by jingexu - 6
Using Olympus `Planner`-s to optimize SDL-Demo
#17 opened by sgbaird - 1
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After I have installed numpy, panda and olmp, I try to run the example, but it failed
#25 opened by GuochenZhou - 2
Should dataset contributions to Olympus be limited to experimental results (e.g. wetlab experiments)?
#20 opened by sgbaird - 1
After installing numpy and pandas in Python 3.9.* on Windows, `ERROR: No matching distribution found for tensorflow==1.15`
#24 opened by sgbaird - 1
Local location of dataset and models contains absolute directory path and is prepended with "dataset_" and "model"
#22 opened by sgbaird - 0
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Does Olympus support integer parameters?
#19 opened by sgbaird - 4
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Dataset Import in Windows OS
#12 opened by mwleklin - 2
Add synthesis dataset
#18 opened by qai222 - 0
Cma is noisy
#10 opened by matteoaldeghi - 0
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SteepestDescent has no attribute eta
#5 opened by matteoaldeghi - 2
Cannot compile the documentation
#2 opened by JurgisR - 0
Cleanup files written by planners
#11 opened by matteoaldeghi - 0
Missing documentation requirements
#9 opened by matteoaldeghi - 1
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Data out of bounds for alkox dataset
#7 opened by matteoaldeghi - 0
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Integrate tree-based approaches
#3 opened by matteoaldeghi