This repository contains code for the paper: Beyond Generative Models: Superfast Traversal, Optimization, Novelty, Exploration and Discovery (STONED) Algorithm for Molecules using SELFIES
Jupyter Notebook
- abilsland
- AlbaCLBarcelona Supercomputing Center
- andrewtarzia@GMPavanLab
- bbyun28
- beef-broccoliUCLA (Doyle group)
- cclough
- cthoyt@northeastern
- deepakoraniCornell University
- dominikusbrianDreamBrook Labs
- dptaborTexas A&M University
- edwinksl@bazantgroup
- eereenah-fast
- gabegomes
- holeungAtomwise
- janweinreichEPFL
- jcathalinaCapgemini Engineering - Hybrid Intelligence
- jkwang93Zhejiang University
- JNapoliAether Biomachines
- kjappelbaumEPFL
- kjogr12Japan
- m-pedroAI, Machine Learning, AGI
- manajit-das
- MarioKrenn6240Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
- matteo-northvoltNorthvolt AB
- mhlr
- mmagithub
- puckvgEPFL
- rflameiro
- RMeli@eth-cscs
- santi921Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
- sdecesco
- SejeongPark8354Korea University
- sptiwari
- ThiagoReschutzeggerFlorianĂłpolis, SC, Brazil
- XinhaoLi74Janssen
- zishengzStanford University