
Application to simulate congestion control using the TCP Tahoe algorithm.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

TCP Tahoe Sim

To compile Sender: $gcc -o Sender Sender.c ccitt16.o AddCongestion.o packet.o ack.o -lm

To compile Receiver: $gcc -o Receiver Receiver.c ccitt16.o packet.o ack.o

To Run:

  1. Start receiver using the following command $./Receiver
  2. Start the sender with a BER of 0.0001 use the following command $./Sender 0.0001
  3. Wait for program to stop
  4. RTT and congestion window data are saved in the file "RTT data.csv"

If no BER is specified, Sender runs with a default BER = 0