
Assignments from the Datacenter Scale computing class at CU - Google Cloud Platform

Primary LanguagePython


These assignments were explicitly done using the Google Cloud Platform during the course CSCI 5253 : Datacenter Scale Computing.

This course covers the primary problem solving strategies, methods, and tools needed for data-intensive programs using large collections of computers typically called "warehouse scale" or "data-center scale" computers. The course examines methods and algorithms for processing data-intensive applications, methods for deploying and managing large collections of computers in an on-demand infrastructure and issues of large-scale computer system design.

Labs include

  1. A quick tour of the Google Cloud Platform
  2. Converting WordCount Map-Reduce example to URLCount using Hadoop
  3. Chain Mappers/Reducers application using Hadoop on GCP
  4. Application that demonstrates PySpark and Python's DataFrame functions
  5. An assignment to demonstrate programmatic construction of VM instances.
  6. Comparing REST and GRPC's API, latency and bandwidth on GCP
  7. Automatic license plate recognition system using Google Cloud - implemented REST server, Redis Key-value store, RabbitMQ messaging queue and appropriate worker nodes on GCP
  8. Dockerized the application mentioned in assignment 7 and deployed the services to a Kubernetes cluster on GCP.