
Given a handwritten alphabet dataset our goal is to produce a model based on the training data, which predicts the target values of the test data given only the test data attributes.

Primary LanguagePython


Project for Machine Learning Fall 2016

Given a handwritten alphabet dataset our goal is to produce a model based on the training data, which predicts the target values of the test data given only the test data attributes.

Full Problem description can be read from project.pdf

Reporty for the project can be read from cs_229_project_report.pdf

##Files Description

  1. SVM.py : It was used by me to train and test the classifier using helding out test part. It also contains the code for learning curve, search grid and PCA reduction. I will suggest not using this one to train the data. This is only to show you how I train and tested the classifier for the project report.

  2. train.py : It should be used to train the data. by default I am asumming that the file for training data is 'handwriting.data' if you want to change the training data pass it as command argument while running the code.(for e.g : python train.py training.data). I have written down the code to retain the classifier using joblib library. It will write down the classifier in the pickle format. This will take around 10 min (as per my system).

  3. test.py : It should be used to test the prediction of the classifier. But before running 'test.py' you must run 'train.py' so that classifier can be stored. Same as before currently I have assumed the default value fo file as 'handwriting.data' to change the filename pass it as command line argument.(for e.g : python test.py testing.data). After passing the file name data will be loaded and after applying PCA, Values will be predicted. After the prediction the values will be saved in a file. It takes about 6-8 minutes(as per my system).

  4. check_accuracy.py : It can be used to check the accuracy of the prediction made by the classifier. I am writing my prediction data to 'predicted_values.txt'. So to check the accuracy you must pass the file name where true Y values are stored. I am by default using 'handwriting.data' as correct true data file. I am also assuming that the first row will the true Y value and file will not have headers. This will just report the accuracy of the prediction by comparing with the true values.

    Both training.data, testing.data and trueY.data should be in the same folder as the code. I have not tried giving path of the file as command line argument so I am not sure that will work or not.

  5. tested folder : Multiple other machine learning methods implemented for testing purposes.

    1. Ada.py : AdaBoost implementation.
    2. kNN.py : k-Nearest Neighbour implementation.
    3. MNN.py : Multi-Layer Neural Network implementation.
    4. NN.py : 1-Layer Neural Network implementation.
    5. RF.py : Random Forest implementation.
    6. TFNN.py : Multi-Layer Neural Network implementation using TensorFlow.

##Final Analysis

After finding all the parameters I tested the SVM classifier with PCA over whole dataset and used cross validation score to calculate the accuracy I got the 0.8996 accuracy.

Future steps which can be taken are :

• Neural Network can be used which is much more capable of handling complex data like this.

• Better kernel can be tested or may be custom kernel can be designed to tackle this specific problem.

• Grid search takes too much time, so much better algorithm can be designed to calculate C and gamma in better time.