Assignment of Data Mining Fall 2016 CS235
Assignment Problem is described in assignment-description.pdf
Full report in Data_Mining_Assignment_Report.pdf
All the plots are in Plots folder.
##Data Crawling
Crawler is written in Python. In the crawler for each section i.e Data Mining, Databases,
Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence have called a general function data_from_url(target_url)
passing appropriate URL for each section.
In this function, page number are added incrementally and using request API the web-page is requested. Then using beautiful soup URL is extracted for each conference and then requested again the web-page for that Conference from there extracted Conference Name and Conference Location. Appropriate time limiter was added of 10 seconds between each page requests.
Finally after getting all the required data i.e Conference_Acronym,Conference_Name and Conference_Location for all 20 pages and for all 4 categories, added those values to the file in the tab separated manner in appending manner using CSV Writer.
Please check for the crawler code and data_mining_original.tsv for the tab separate values crawled using the crawler.
##Data Cleaning
Used OpenRefine for the data cleaning task as recommended by the Instructor.
Following steps were taken in data cleaning:
Importing Data
Removing whitespaces and conference_location as N/A
Data Clustering using the clustering feature of OpenRefine
Anomalous City and Conferences fixed manually
Deletion of Repeated Values
Splitting city from location and Year from acronym
Removing Random Unwanted Words from Conference Name
After cleaning as much as possible in my opinion this was the my final data set of 1162 rows.
Cleaned up data in a comma separate value is in the data_mining_refined.csv file.
##Hadoop Implementation
###Part A:
To calculate the number of conferences per city I first split the row using “,” as splitting point then from separate values I used conference_city and count 1 as the value.
Reducer added up all the values for a particular city resulting in total number of conference per city.
Result generated is in the conf_per_city.txt file and the code is in
###Part B:
To calculate the list of conferences per city I did the same thing as before by spliting the row using “,” as splitting point then from separate values I used conference_city as the key and conference_acronym as the value.
In Reducer I concatenated all the value I get for a particular key which resulted in list of conference per city. But it can happen that if a particular conference happened in a particular city in different year it will result into repeated values so I also added the check in the Reducer that if a particular conference is already added then I wont add it again which will result only in unique conference occurred in the city. Although there were not many cases there this were frequent only for those cities where conferences occurs frequently.
Conference per city with repeated value is present in list_conf_per_city.txt and without repetition one is present in list_conf_per_city_without_repetition.txt and the code is in
###Part C:
To calculate the list of cities per conference I did the same thing as above only change was I used conference_acronym as the key and conference_city as the value.
In Reducer I concatenated all the value I get for a particular key which will result in list of cities per conference. Same approach was taken to reduce the redundancy of cities per conference.
Cities per conference with repeated value is present in list_city_per_conf.txt and without repetition one is present in list_city_per_conf_without_repetition.txt and the code is in
###Part D:
To calculate the number of year wise conference for a particular I used conference_acronym + “:” + conference_year as the key and count ‘1’ as the value.
Reason for using such key is it wont mix all the count for a particular city and wont mix count for a particular year. Thats why it will give me count of conference occurred in a particular city for a particular year.
In Reducer I just summed up all the value I get for a the key which will result in time series of conference per city.
Cities per conference with repeated value is present in year_wise_conf.txt and the code is in