
Scripts to easily docker-ize Graylog

Primary LanguageShell


Scripts to easily deploy Graylog using Docker using the official Graylog, Elasticsearch and Mongodb Docker images.


  1. Docker is installed and configured
  2. A *nix machine (this is a BASH script)


Download the repository:

git clone https://github.com/heywoodlh/graylog-docker

cd graylog-docker

Configure Graylog:

  1. Edit ./graylog/config/graylog.conf:
  • Change password_secret to equal the output of the command pwgen -N 1 -s 96
  • Change root_password_sha2 to equal the output of the command echo -n yourpassword | shasum -a 256 (change yourpassword to equal the value of the admin password you'd like)
  • (Optional) Change root_username = admin to a different admin username you'd prefer
  1. Edit ./graylog-docker.sh:
  • Set the array GRAYLOG_PORTS to equal all the ports you'd like Graylog to expose, separated by spaces and in quotes: declare -a GRAYLOG_PORTS=("9000" "12201" "514/udp")

Run the script:


Set up each container as a systemd service:

Copy each service in ./lib/systemd/ to /etc/systemd/system/:

sudo cp ./lib/systemd/*.service /etc/systemd/system

Enable each container to start on boot:

sudo systemctl enable docker-mongodb.service

sudo systemctl enable docker-elasticsearch.service

sudo systemctl enable docker-graylog.service

Access Graylog:

Navigate to http://localhost:9000 (replace localhost with a remote hostname/IP address if deployed remotely)

Updating Graylog's opened ports or any other configuration:

TL;DR: run ./graylog-docker.sh after file changes are made in the repository.

If you add an input on a port and would like that port to be exposed, add it to the GRAYLOG_PORTS array in ./graylog-docker.sh then run ./graylog-docker.sh again.

If you do any other configuration change to the files in the repository, just run ./graylog-docker.sh to update the config.

Upgrading Graylog and the other containers:

Set up a cronjob to run ./graylog-docker.sh at a specific time.

The script will pull updated images, remove the containers and create new instances.

Each of the containers are using volumes which will persist between instances getting upgraded -- don't worry about the containers being removed by the script.


docker stop graylog
docker rm graylog
docker image rm graylog/graylog
docker volume rm graylog_journal

docker stop elasticsearch
docker rm elasticsearch
docker image rm elasticseach
docker volume rm es_data

docker stop mongodb
docker rm mongo
docker image rm mongo
docker volume rm mongo_data