
Telegraf is an extremely powerful and one of the fastest adopted agents in today’s world for collecting, processing and aggregating different metrics. It’s an extremely versatile agent with a minimal memory footprint which works on plugin based architecture. It’s open source and written in Go Language. This allows developers to continuously improve and extend its adaptability across diverse Operating systems and H/Ws.

More information can be referred in links below:


Telegraf is not off-the-shelf supported on Solaris 10 and 11 operating systems. We would need to compile telegraf​ agents from customized source-code for above mentioned operating systems.


For the purpose of compilation, we would need gccgo (>=5.5.0) installed on the server with few other libraries.

Installation Procedure of Telegraf Agent

Step 1: Download the latest release tar. Example command below.
Step 2: Extract the tar downloaded in step 1 in /tmp directory by executing below command. It will create directory namely telegraf-solaris in /tmp.
tar -zxvf telegraf-solaris.tar.gz -C /tmp
Step 3: Create user and group having the name telegraf
useradd telegraf
Step 4: Now copy the /tmp/telegraf-solaris/opt/csw directory to your solaris server's /opt directory:
cp -r /tmp/telegraf-solaris/opt/csw /opt
Step 5: Copy telegraf binary and give it execute permission
cp /tmp/telegraf-solaris/bin/telgraf /usr/bin/telgraf; chmod +x /usr/bin/telgraf
Step 6: Copy telegraf init.d start/stop script:
cp /tmp/telegraf-solaris/script/telegraf /etc/init.d/telegraf ; chmod +x /etc/init.d/telegraf
Step 7: Create telegraf conf directory /etc/telegraf and telegraf conf file
mkdir /etc/telegraf
cp /tmp/telegraf-solaris/conf/telegraf.conf /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
Step 8: Start telegraf service
/etc/init.d/telegraf start
Step 9: Verify if service is running or not
/etc/init.d/telegraf status
Step 10: To enable service in every boot
ln -s /etc/init.d/telegraf /etc/rc3.d/S93telegraf

Building the telegraf binary from source

Step 1: Clone the telegraf solaris repository
git clone
Step 2: Execute below command to create a binary named telegraf (Step 4 above is needed for this)
cd <path-to-telegraf-solaris-repo>
/opt/csw/bin/gccgo -o telegraf *.go

It will create binary in the same directory with the name telegraf. You can now use this binary along with installation steps mentioned above.