This project is a Flutter application that fetches and displays a list of universities with the help of an external API. The project also lets us filter the list by country. To make all this magic happen, we used clean and testable architecture to provide an easy-to-maintain and scalable code.
- MVVM and Clean Architecture pattern
- RxDart for state management
- Retrofit with Dio for the Network layer
- Freezed and JsonSerializable for generating the models' boilerplates
- Mockito for data mocking
You can find me on LinkedIn and Toptal.
- Clean architecture facilitates unit testing, which we demonstrate in the Unit Testing in Flutter: From Workflow Essentials to Complex Scenarios article published in the Toptal Engineering Blog.
- RxDart combined MVVM with clean architecture facilitates state management in Flutter, as demonstrated in
Before running the app, you have to run: flutter pub run build_runner build