LLM based autonomous agent that conducts deep local and web research on any topic and generates a long report with citations.
- alexburciu
- AlHeringGermany
- bebensigantengTokyo, Japan
- beejaysea
- ChipHennigMidwest
- dangreenleeExpedient
- Darkflib@newsuk @newscorp-ghfb
- eunho
- eyalfisher
- functorismEarth
- GabiGrinFlyde
- hburrichter@Intellegam @weconnect-ai
- Idan707
- IllusionaryX
- itakurahStudent at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
- J0hnee5
- jk-oster@Studiomitte
- jmribeiroGAIPS
- KoljaB
- MattL920
- MazGG
- menkesu
- mickgilesEA/Sony/Victiv/Fox Bet/HardRock Bet
- mikaelbdjAarhus, Denmark
- mykhailouWix
- MywkGermany
- ofirzuk
- Ortweiler
- panoramix360Clevertech
- rezmeplxrf
- RGBKnightsVenatio Studios
- rinesh
- serbaniaotic
- treddsCluj-Napoca
- VigroXFinland
- vMarkhamSeattle, WA