Let's make Firebase features using Express, Socket.io, Redis and other powerful opensources.
Redisfire is not related with Firebase. But Redisfire provides very similar features like Firebase.
- RESTful apis
- Realtime notifications for CURD actions
- JSON import/export
- Schema free
- Express.js simple route.
# 1. install & start Redis
# 2. install Redisfire
$ npm install redisfire
if redis server is run with "requirepass" or use other options for redis, add "redis-client" connfig option to "redisfire-conf.json"
$ cat conf/redisfire-conf.json
"projects": [
"name": "theverge",
"description": "http://www.theverge.com RSS sample data"
"name": "redisfire-test",
"description": "redisfire Mocha test project"
"redis-client": {
"host": "",
"port": "6379",
"auth_pass": "your password"
- the CLI command real path is 'node_modules/.bin/redisfire'
redisfire - manage server process
# Examples:
$ ./node_modules/.bin/redisfire --help # show help
$ ./node_modules/.bin/redisfire start -p 10001 # start Redisfire
redisfire-import - Import JSON file to Redisfire
# Examples:
$ ./node_modules/.bin/redisfire-import --help # show help
$ ./node_modules/.bin/redisfire-import test.json testProject # import test.json to testProject
// after import, edit redisfire-conf.json
// and check http://localhost:3000/rest/testProject
# if you want to update redisfire-conf.json directly, use -s --save option
$ redisfire-import foo.json foo -s -d "foo project"
# get all datas
curl http://localhost:3000/rest/theverge;
# get single item
curl http://localhost:3000/rest/theverge/feed/entry/0
curl http://localhost:3000/rest/theverge/feed/entry/0/content
# get single item
curl http://localhost:3000/rest/theverge/feed/entry/0/content
# create new attribute to ".../entry/0/content/test";
curl -i \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST -d '{"foo":"bar"}' \
# get result again
curl http://localhost:3000/rest/theverge/feed/entry/0/content
NOTE: if the request key exists, the POST request is delegated to PUT method below.
# get single item
curl http://localhost:3000/rest/theverge/feed/entry/0/content
# replace existing one to new data
curl -i \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X PUT -d '{"foo":"bar"}' \
# get result again
curl http://localhost:3000/rest/theverge/feed/entry/0/content
# get single item
curl http://localhost:3000/rest/theverge/feed/entry/0/content
# replay existing one to new data
curl -i \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
# get result again
curl http://localhost:3000/rest/theverge/feed/entry/0
It's developed with socket.io.
var redisfire = require('redisfire');
var socketHost = 'http://localhost:/redis';
socket_client = require('socket.io-client')(socketHost);
var reqKey = new Date().getTime();
socket_client.emit('GET', (key || 'redisfire-test/feed/entry/2/author/name'), {key:, reqKey, foo:'bar'});
// "redsfire" event is fired as REDIS MONITOR events.
socket_client.on('redisfire', function(eventType, socket_res, params){
if (eventType === 'GET' && params.key === reqKey) {
}, function(err) {
- open http://localhost:3000/
- try Javascript code on the developer console in Browser.
// GET
socket.emit('GET', 'theverge/feed/entry/2/author/name', {foo:'bar'});
socket.emit('POST', 'theverge/feed/entry/2/author/name2', {hello: 'WORLD'}, {foo:'bar'});
socket.emit('DELETE', 'theverge/feed/entry/2/author/name2', {foo:'bar'});
// PUT
socket.emit('PUT', 'theverge/feed/entry/2/author', {name: 'Jongsoon'}, {foo:'bar'});
var redisfire = require('redisfire');
redisfire.getIO().then(function(_io) {
var foo_namespace = _io.of('/redis_foo');
console.log('FOO SOCKET /redis_foo initialized');
foo_namespace.on('connection', function(socket){
console.log('FOO someone connected to redis_foo namespace');
socket.emit('hi', {message: 'emulate new socket.io namespace'});
// emulate socket.io client
var client = require('socket.io-client')('http://localhost:3000/redis_foo');
client.on('connect', function(){
console.log('FOO SOCKET redis_foo connected to socketHost:', socketHost);
client.on('hi', function(data) {
console.log('FOO namespace hi event: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
to enable Authentication for some project, add auth options to redisfire-conf.json
"projects": [
"name": "redisfire-test-auth",
"description": "redisfire Mocha test project for Authentication",
"auth": "redisfire-test-auth-member", // hidden project for Authentication for this Project
"auth_key": "redisfire-test-auth-key", // cookie name for check auth
"auth_secure": false // encrypt auth value or not
"CRYPTO_KEY": "test-key" // encrypt/decrypt crypto key
If auth is enabled, redisfire check hidden Authentication project for each request. Hidden Authentication is just key / value pair and the key is exists, redisfire regards valid request.
Add user for specific project - user object must have "key"
exports.auth_test_setUser = function(req, res) {
var user = {
key: 'member_12345', // must have this key
info: {foo: 'bar'},
other_info: "blablabla"
redisfire.setUser('redisfire-test-auth', user).then(function(o) {
// if user added successfully, set cookie for the login.
// if auth_secure is true, the auth cookie value must encrypted.
res.cookie(conf.auth_key, redisfire.encrypt(user.key), { domain: '.redisfire.com', path: '/' });
user for specific project - user object must have "key"
exports.auth_getUser = function(req, res) {
req.cookies['redisfire-test-auth-key'] = 'member_12345';
redisfire.getUser('redisfire-test-auth', req).then(function(o) {
redisfire crypto function use 'aes-256-cbc'.
var cipherText = redisfire.encrypt('hihi');
// 2fa23612e09e3c46be74607353233769
redisfire crypto function use 'aes-256-cbc'.
var text = redisfire.encrypt('2fa23612e09e3c46be74607353233769');
// hihi
Redisfire includes Web application server the Express.js by default. The '/service' uri is occupied for the Redisfire servcie. If you add test.js to service folder, '/service/test' path will working with ExpressJS Routing way. The exported function name is the exposed like '/service/test/[function name]'. The function must have two arguments req & res. (Please refer [Express Routing](http://expressjs.com/en/guide/routing.html" target="_blank">Express Routing))
# 1. after install redisfire, check 'service/foo.js' sample service.
# 2. open http://localhost:3000/service/foo/demo
- do not install globally
- the postinstall script is trying to copy folders below. (that's not working with -g option)
// Redisfire project config - must exists
> "conf" folder to "node_modules/../conf"
// Redisfire realtime event demo (http://localhost:3000/) - can delete
> "static" folder to "node_modules/../statrc"
- 0.0.1
- first publish
- ~ 0.0.12
- bugfix
- 0.0.13
- feature add:
- CURD over socket
- feature add:
- 0.0.14
- bugfix:
- array PUT bug
- change:
- redis sockio.io event return type String to JSON
- support boolean type value
- feature:
- GET request file download support when ".json" postfix included (ex: http://localhost/foo.json)
- bugfix:
- 0.0.15
- bugfix:
- PUT/POST bug fix
- features:
- support require('redisfire') - more documentation needed.
- bugfix:
- ~ 0.0.19
- bugfix & travis ci
- 0.0.20
- improve redisfire-import (--save option added)
- add "redis-client" option to redisfire-conf.json
- 0.0.21
- update npm dependencies
- 0.0.22
- add deep depth create for POST
- sorted JSON return by key name for GET
- update npm dependencies
- 0.0.23
- features:
- Authentication
- crypto (redisfire.encypt / redisfire.decrypt)
- bugfix
- features:
- 0.0.24
- features:
- redisfire service
- expose redisfire.successCallback && redisfire.errorCallback
- features:
- 0.0.25
- features:
- using mongodb for Authentication user data
- add configures for bodyParser.json, bodyParser.urlencoded
- features:
- 0.0.26
- module dependency update
- 0.0.27
- module dependency update
- The MIT License (MIT)
- http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
That's all folks!