TrueConf Server API Use Cases

This code sample provides several use cases described in our knowledge base articles and performed using TrueConf Server API::

  1. How to add user accounts from a file

  2. How to delete past meetings automatically

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⚠️ Warning!

We don’t recommend running the script file on an OS with TrueConf Server installed. For this purpose it’s best to use another computer in the local network, which detects the video conferencing server by its IP address or domain name (FQDN).

The code is written in Python, so you need to take the following steps to get started:

  1. Install Python 3.7+ by downloading it from the official website:

  2. Update the pip package installer:

  3. Install additional packages for Excel files:

pip install requests pyexcel pyexcel-xls pyexcel-xlsx

Getting ready

Enable HTTPS in the TrueConf Server control panel.

Next, go to API → OAuth2. Create a new OAuth 2.0 app and check the boxes that are necessary for solving the above tasks:

  • conferences
  • groups
  • groups.users
  • users
  • users.avatar:read
  • users.avatar:write

👉 Note

Learn more about the OAuth protocol in TrueConf Server documentation.

Using parameters

You can specify the parameters that are necessary for the script to work in the data.json setup file (recommended method) or enter them manually once it has been launched. Here is the list of parameters:

  • "server" – TrueConf Server’s IP address or URL, e.g., or
  • "new_users_file" – a path to the Excel spreadsheet file where data for importing accounts to the server is stored (learn more about its format in the article on adding users from a file)
  • "client_id" – an OAuth app ID
  • "client_secret" – an OAuth app secret key
  • "verify" – SSL certificate verification setup that’s necessary when running code on Windows OS (more details at If a self-signed SSL certificate is used on the server, you need to specify the path to the certificate file, while if you use a commercial certificate, you need to specify the value true without quotes: "verify":true.

Working with the script

Once the script file has been launched, you’ll see the menu in the terminal window where you’ll be prompted to select the required task. To this end, enter one of these commands:

  • S – reading parameters to connect to the server (from the file or entering them manually)

  • Edeleting past meetings:

    • Entering the number of days after which you need to delete events (you can set other values, e.g., 1.5 to clear conferences that ended 36 hours before the current time).
    • Getting a list of all stopped conferences.
    • Searching among them for scheduled events with an end date older than the specified one.
    • Deleting conferences.
  • Nimporting users and groups from an Excel file:

    • Reading data from a file.
    • Adding user groups to the server.
    • Adding accounts.
    • Uploading avatars for users (if specified).
    • Adding users to groups.
  • Ddeleting users and groups listed in an Excel file;

  • Q – ending a script.