
Yet Another HTTP Framework, that you don't really need

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Yet Another HTTP Framework, that you don't really need

Trying to build a HTTP server framework, without using any external modules, because who needs npm?!

Everything is as I want it to be, not as one might used to.

Continuous Integration


  • Create new YAHF instance, with default options

    import YAHF from 'yahf';
    const server = new YAHF();
  • Options that can be passed to the YAHF constructor, as an object:

    • logger: (str: string) => void. Defaults to console.log.
    • port: number. Defaults to 1337.
  • useMiddleware(middleware: (data) => void).

    • Any result returned from this functions will be ignored.
    • Will be called in FIFO.
    • Return this so it can be chained.


import YAHF from 'yahf';

const server = new YAHF()
server.useMiddleware((data) => {
  • addHandler(path:string | string[], handler: async data => RequestResult | undefined.

    • Return this so it can be chained.
    • RequestResult is optional.
  • RequestResult

        statusCode: number; // Defaults to 200
        contentType: string; // Defaults to 'application/json'
        payload: any;
  • start() : Promise<this>

    • Will start the server, listening on the port was passed in.
    • Resolves to this so it can be chained.
  • kill() : Promise<this>

    • Will close the server.
    • Resolves to this so it can be chained.
  • logger : (str: string) => void

    • Returns the passed in logger. will default to console.log

Request lifecycle

  • Every middleware/handler will get the following object:
      path: string;
      query: URLSearchParams;
      method: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE' | 'PATCH'...;
      headers: object;
      payload: string; // Defaults to an empty string
  • Middlewares are called FIFO, and called before any handler.
  • Handlers are called for exact match for the path, without starting /.