Producing and Reproducing Results
A system for embedded scientific computing and reproducible research with R. The OpenCPU server exposes a simple but powerful HTTP api for RPC and data interchange with R. This provides a reliable and scalable foundation for statistical services or building R web applications. The OpenCPU server runs either as a single-user development server within the interactive R session, or as a multi-user Linux stack based on Apache2. The entire system is fully open source and permissively licensed. The OpenCPU website has detailed documentation and example apps.
- Official API documentation
- Paper: Towards a Universal Interface for Scientific Computing through Separation of Concerns
- Example apps
- JavaScript client: opencpu.js
- Server manual: PDF
Cloud Server
To install the cloud server on Ubuntu Server:
#requires Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy) or 20.04 (Focal)
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:opencpu/opencpu-2.2
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
#install opencpu server
sudo apt-get install -y opencpu-server
sudo apt-get install -y rstudio-server
See the opencpu website for details how to install on other platforms.
Local Development server
To start the single-user development server in R:
Or to start an App: