
A simple application with simple tooling for daily dev workflows

Primary LanguageVue

Dev Helper

This is a small utility project intended to be used by developers on a daily basis.

When planning this tool, I thoought about tools that I use on a daily basis and how they are scattered online in different urls. Below is a list of proposed items to be added to this project.

  • Markdown Editor - To take notes
  • JSON to JS Object converter
  • The latest on vulnerability news and how to resolve these issues.
  • etc.

On another note, this project is also intended to be a learning playground and it will be using tooling and techniques that devs may want to play with but not have the time for.

Below are these tools/techniques the project uses.

Animations with LottieFiles

LottieFiles from Airbnb

State Machines with XState


The Editor section of this app is from this article: https://frontstuff.io/using-state-machines-in-vuejs-with-xstate

Why State Machines ?

The idea is to remove the need to add boolean checks in our templates and instead rely on finite state machines.

This way we can declare the only available states of a process/flow and reduce the amount of possible bugs.

Another great thing about Xstate is that it provides a visualizer, so you can see the available states for your application.

This tool allows us to visualize the application states and this can be reviewed with users before coding the feature.

State Machines Setup

There are 3 basic items each state machine needs. -An initial state -An object containing available states -Clearly defined events which will change the current state

In your components, you will have to:

  • Import the state machine you have created.
  • Declare the state machine and initialize the current value in your component to the initial value of the state machine.
  • Setup the onTransition handler in the created hook of the component *This will update your current state when the state machine's state changes
  • Add a method to send events to the State machine, which will update the current state

State being referenced with State Machines is not to be confused with the application store/state that could contain API data and is usually handled by tools such as Vuex.

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your unit tests

npm run test:unit

Run your end-to-end tests

npm run test:e2e

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint


# build image
docker build -t dev-helper-client .

# run container
docker run -it --name dev-helper \
-p 8086:80 \

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.