
Facebook accountkit support for Django REST Framework https://developers.facebook.com/docs/accountkit

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Facebook is shutting down account kit so this library won't be useful.


This package enables the use of Facebook Accountkit for Django Rest Framework

If you want to know more about Facebook Accountkit, check out the following resources

Installation & Configuration

pip install drf-accountkit

Then to add the Django Accountkit to your project add the app drf_accountkit to your INSTALLED_APPS

And add drf_accountkit URLconf to your url.py like this:

path('[YOUR_PREFIX]/', include('drf_accountkit.urls')),

Now add the following settings in your settings.py file

FACEBOOK_APP_ID = <Accountkit App ID>
ACCOUNT_KIT_APP_SECRET = <Accountkit App Secret>


You have to configure account kit in your frontend and specify [YOUR_PREFIX]/login_success as the success url.

You either send to login success as POST (or GET) those info:

  • access_token


  • code, state, status

You will get as result:

  • Successful: API status 200 or 201
    • token
    • user_id
  • Refusal: API status 401
    • message


You can overide methods of LoginSuccess API view like:

  • get_username(phone, email) to customize the username to be stored
  • response(user, token) to customize the response of endpoint

This is project is based on