
Fix Play Integrity (and SafetyNet) verdicts.

Primary LanguageC++

Play Integrity Fix

A Zygisk module which fix "ctsProfileMatch" (SafetyNet) and "MEETS_DEVICE_INTEGRITY" (Play Integrity).

To use this module you must have one of this:

  • Magisk with Zygisk enabled.
  • KernelSU with ZygiskNext module installed.

Download the latest here.


Official posts

About module

It injects a classes.dex file to modify few fields in android.os.Build class. Also, in native code it creates a hook to modify system properties. The purpouse of the module is to avoid a hardware attestation.

Failing BASIC verdict

If you are failing basicIntegrity (SafetyNet) or MEETS_BASIC_INTEGRITY (Play Integrity) something is wrong in your setup. My recommended steps in order to find the problem:

  • Disable all modules except mine.
  • Check your SELinux (must be enforced).
  • If you are using Shamiko and have deny list disabled, you must manually add GMS main and unstable processes to hide list or DroidGuard will detect root.

Some modules which modify system can trigger DroidGuard detection, never hook GMS processes.

Certify Play Store and fix Google Wallet

Follow this steps:

  • Clear Google Wallet data and cache.
  • Clear Google Play Store data and cache.
  • Clear GSF (com.google.android.gsf) data and cache.
  • Flash my module in Magisk/KernelSU (if you already have my module, just ignore this step)

Then reboot device and should work. Also some users recommend to clear GMS data and cache but for me it wasn't necessary.

Read module logs

You can read module logs using this command:

adb shell "logcat | grep 'PIF'"

Can this module pass MEETS_STRONG_INTEGRITY?


SafetyNet is obsolete

You can read more info here: click me

Current Issues

It doesn't work in Xiaomi.eu custom ROMs due their fix implementation. Their devs are already working in it: click me. If Xiaomi.eu devs drop support for your device and this module doesn't work you must change the ROM if you want to pass DEVICE verdict.

Thanks to