
object flow treatment, data transformation

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Semantic data transformation & semantic container crawling


  • Ready for 100 MO / 100000 Item per process
  • Multiple source protocol
  • Multiple destination protocol
  • Rich API creation
  • Data transformation without coding
  • Value correspondence (translation between taxonomy)
  • Join data by field
  • Data aggregation from multiple source
  • Complex uniqueness
  • Geo data completion from address
  • Middle cache database for performance
  • Scrapping & crawling
  • Filter
  • Workflow sharing & multi User Edition
  • API parameters usable in workflow components

need tiers

  • Big Data Support (Infinit data Volume)
    • we can do now it with external database as mongodb and advances workflows
  • Authentification to external services other than api tocken (headers or url)
    • we use n8n or nocodeapi if we want to authentify to a data provider

Road map

  • Reusable and preconfigured pattern building from component
    • pattern can be implement now whith workflow trigger by api and body parameters but this could improve.
    • it is now possible using api and call it from an other workflow. Better usability and component have to improve experience and performance.
  • define how pay execution cause by internal API (http provider call by a http consumer of an other workflow)
  • HTTP provider external authentificaiton and restriciton
    • authentified api calling
      • secure api provided by http provider component when calling out of SemanticBus Instance
    • api user restriction
      • define who ca execute HTTP provider
  • better sharing and options of sharing
    • group management
    • change admin
    • change role
  • new ergonomy
  • Automatic Ontology transformation (semantic web)
    • manual transformation now
  • Multiple entry point and exit point for a components
    • entry discrimantaion have to be specified in component now
  • Workflow sharing by Google Drive or other cloud or better wokflow management


  • Core (./core) ( shared low level services )
  • Main ( ./main ) ( main app : frontend and API)
  • Engine (./engine) ( engine for graph resolution )
  • Timer (./timer) ( service for schedule workflow )


You have to duplicate config.js to local.config.js. Some config properties as googleAuth can be fullfill. Your local.config.js file will be ignore by git.

Launch with docker (recommended)

make (recommended)


make start => start project
make log => log main and engine container
make restart => force recreate
make stop => kill all container

docker container still alive sometime:

docker kill semanticbus_mongo_1
docker kill rabbitmq

docker-compose (Not recommended)

docker-compose up -d

Launch with nvm & npm (Not recommended)

sudo apt-get install g++ build-essential
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.2/install.sh | bash

Restart console

nvm install 18
cd core && npm install
cd main && npm install
cd engine && npm install
cd main && node app.js
cd engine && node app.js