Pundit provides a set of helpers which guide you in leveraging regular Ruby classes and object oriented design patterns to build a simple, robust and scaleable authorization system.
gem "pundit"
Include Pundit in your application controller:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include Pundit
Optionally, you can run the generator, which will set up an application policy with some useful defaults for you:
rails g pundit:install
After generating your application policy, restart the Rails server so that Rails
can pick up any classes in the new app/policies/
Pundit is focused around the notion of policy classes. We suggest that you put
these classes in app/policies
. This is a simple example:
class PostPolicy
attr_reader :user, :post
def initialize(user, post)
@user = user
@post = post
def create?
user.admin? or not post.published?
As you can see, this is just a plain Ruby class. As a convenience, we can inherit from Struct:
PostPolicy = Struct.new(:user, :post) do
def create?
user.admin? or not post.published?
Pundit makes the following assumptions about this class:
- The class has the same name as some kind of model class, only suffixed with the word "Policy".
- The first argument is a user. In your controller, Pundit will call the
method to retrieve what to send into this argument - The second argument is some kind of model object, whose authorization you want to check. This does not need to be an ActiveRecord or even an ActiveModel object, it can be anything really.
- The class implements some kind of query method, in this case
. Usually, this will map to the name of a particular controller action.
That's it really.
Supposing that you have an instance of class Post
, Pundit now lets you do
this in your controller:
def create
@post = Post.new(params[:post])
authorize @post
if @post.save
redirect_to @post
render :new
The authorize method automatically infers that Post
will have a matching
class, and instantiates this class, handing in the current user
and the given record. It then infers from the action name, that it should call
on this instance of the policy. In this case, you can imagine that
would have done something like this:
raise "not authorized" unless PostPolicy.new(current_user, @post).create?
You can pass a second argument to authorize
if the name of the permission you
want to check doesn't match the action name. For example:
def publish
@post = Post.find(params[:id])
authorize @post, :update?
redirect_to @post
You can easily get a hold of an instance of the policy through the policy
method in both the view and controller. This is especially useful for
conditionally showing links or buttons in the view:
<% if policy(@post).create? %>
<%= link_to "New post", new_post_path %>
<% end %>
Ensuring policies are used
Pundit adds a method called verify_authorized
to your controllers. This
method will raise an exception if authorize
has not yet been called. You
should run this method in an after_filter
to ensure that you haven't
forgotten to authorize the action. For example:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
after_filter :verify_authorized, :except => :index
Likewise, pundit also adds verify_policy_scoped
to your controller. This
will raise an exception in the vein of verify_authorized
. However it tracks
if policy_scoped
is used instead of authorize
. This is mostly useful for
controller actions like index
which find collections with a scope and don't
authorize individual instances.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
after_filter :verify_policy_scoped, :only => :index
Often, you will want to have some kind of view listing records which a particular user has access to. When using Pundit, you are expected to define a class called a policy scope. It can look something like this:
PostPolicy = Struct.new(:user, :post) do
self::Scope = Struct.new(:user, :scope) do
def resolve
if user.admin?
scope.where(:published => true)
def create?
user.admin? or not post.published?
Pundit makes the following assumptions about this class:
- The class has the name
and is nested under the policy class. - The first argument is a user. In your controller, Pundit will call the
method to retrieve what to send into this argument. - The second argument is a scope of some kind on which to perform some kind of
query. It will usually be an ActiveRecord class or a
, but it could be something else entirely. - Instances of this class respond to the method
, which should return some kind of result which can be iterated over. For ActiveRecord classes, this would usually be anActiveRecord::Relation
You can now use this class from your controller via the policy_scope
def index
@posts = policy_scope(Post)
Just as with your policy, this will automatically infer that you want to use
the PostPolicy::Scope
class, it will instantiate this class and call
on the instance. In this case it is a shortcut for doing:
def index
@posts = PostPolicy::Scope.new(current_user, Post).resolve
You can, and are encouraged to, use this method in views:
<% policy_scope(@user.posts).each do |post| %>
<p><% link_to post.title, post_path(post) %></p>
<% end %>
Manually specifying policy classes
Sometimes you might want to explicitly declare which policy to use for a given class, instead of letting Pundit infer it. This can be done like so:
class Post
def self.policy_class
Just plain old Ruby
As you can see, Pundit doesn't do anything you couldn't have easily done yourself. It's a very small library, it just provides a few neat helpers. Together these give you the power of building a well structured, fully working authorization system without using any special DSLs or funky syntax or anything.
Remember that all of the policy and scope classes are just plain Ruby classes,
which means you can use the same mechanisms you always use to DRY things up.
Encapsulate a set of permissions into a module and include them in multiple
policies. Use alias_method
to make some permissions behave the same as
others. Inherit from a base set of permissions. Use metaprogramming if you
really have to.
Use the supplied generator to generate policies:
rails g pundit:policy post
Closed systems
In many applications, only logged in users are really able to do anything. If
you're building such a system, it can be kind of cumbersome to check that the
user in a policy isn't nil
for every single permission.
We suggest that you define a filter that redirects unauthenticated users to the login page. As a secondary defence, if you've defined an ApplicationPolicy, it might be a good idea to raise an exception if somehow an unauthenticated user got through. This way you can fail more gracefully.
class ApplicationPolicy
def initialize(user, record)
raise Pundit::NotAuthorizedError, "must be logged in" unless user
@user = user
@record = record
Rescuing a denied Authorization in Rails
Pundit raises a Pundit::NotAuthorizedError
you can rescue_from in your ApplicationController
. You can customize the user_not_authorized
method in every controller.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include Pundit
rescue_from Pundit::NotAuthorizedError, with: :user_not_authorized
def user_not_authorized
flash[:error] = "You are not authorized to perform this action."
redirect_to request.headers["Referer"] || root_path
Manually retrieving policies and scopes
Sometimes you want to retrieve a policy for a record outside the controller or view. For example when you delegate permissions from one policy to another.
You can easily retrieve policies and scopes like this:
Pundit.policy!(user, post)
Pundit.policy(user, post)
Pundit.policy_scope!(user, Post)
Pundit.policy_scope(user, Post)
The bang methods will raise an exception if the policy does not exist, whereas those without the bang will return nil.
Customize pundit user
In some cases your controller might not have access to current_user
, or your
is not the method one that should be invoked by pundit. Simply
define a method in your controller called pundit_user
def pundit_user
Strong parameters
In Rails 4 (or Rails 3.2 with the strong_parameters gem), mass-assignment protection is handled in the controller. Pundit helps you permit different users to set different attributes.
# app/policies/post_policy.rb
class PostPolicy < ApplicationPolicy
def permitted_attributes
if user.admin? || user.owner_of?(post)
[:title, :body, :tag_list]
# app/controllers/posts_controller.rb
class PostsController < ApplicationController
def update
@post = Post.find(params[:id])
if @post.update(post_params)
redirect_to @post
render :edit
def post_params
Policy Specs
Pundit includes a mini-DSL for writing expressive tests for your policies in RSpec.
Require pundit/rspec
in your spec_helper.rb
require "pundit/rspec"
Then put your policy specs in spec/policies
, and make them look somewhat like this:
describe PostPolicy do
subject { PostPolicy }
permissions :create? do
it "denies access if post is published" do
should_not permit(User.new(:admin => false), Post.new(:published => true))
it "grants access if post is published and user is an admin" do
should permit(User.new(:admin => true), Post.new(:published => true))
it "grants access if post is unpublished" do
should permit(User.new(:admin => false), Post.new(:published => false))
An alternative approach to Pundit policy specs is scoping them to a user context as outlined in this excellent post.
View Specs
When writing view specs, you'll notice that the policy helper is not available and views under test that use it will fail. Thankfully, it's very easy to stub out the policy to have it return whatever is appropriate for the spec.
describe "users/show" do
before(:each) do
user = assign(:user, build_stubbed(:user))
controller.stub(:current_user).and_return user
it "renders the destroy action" do
allow(view).to receive(:policy).and_return double(edit?: false, destroy?: true)
expect(rendered).to match 'Destroy'
This technique enables easy unit testing of tricky conditionaly view logic based on what is or is not authorized.
External Resources
Licensed under the MIT license, see the separate LICENSE.txt file.