
Create a menu in a format from an input file. Add new items to the lists.

Primary LanguageJava


Create a menu in a format from an input file. Add new items to the lists.

•The input file is a plain text file (filename: dishes.txt).

•Each row of the input file contains exactly 3 data fields, which are the type of the dish ("Appetizer", "Entree", or "Dessert"), price of the dish (always a positive integer), and name of the dish (may contain spaces), in that order.

•You cannot assume (or guess) the number of dishes stored in the input file. In other words, no matter how many dishes are stored in the input file, your program should correctly process all of them.

•You can assume that there is at least 1 appetizer, 1 entrée, and 1 dessert in the input file.