
Simple Content Management System (CMS) based on Laravel framework 8+

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Laramin CMS - simple MVP Content Management System based on Laravel framework

Laramin CMS is a MVP CMS (Content Management System) based on Laravel framework created for web developers to support them in creating web applications. This is a Laravel with nwidart/laravel-modules, auth, dashboard, user and pages management. Laramin CMS provides a basic functionality needed in every project so you don't start from the white space. It has:

  • Homepage, subpages, contact page, send contact
  • Admin dashboard (to manage content, pages, menus, media, users, user submissions)
  • SEO features: Headers, content, meta and Open Graph data, structured Schema.org data, titles and alts for images

Also it provides a few more tips like system settings, system errors, auth management, user module. I tried to create it as simple as it can be, using as less packages as possible (for maintenance reasons) - only MVP functions. So you can easily develop it and implement your own stuff needed in your project.

Laramin CMS modules

  • Core (basic stuff here)
  • Dashboard
  • Page with media and thumbs
  • Media (minimal)
  • Menu (work in progress)
  • Blog (work in progress)

Used packages and libraries

Backend and PHP:

Frontend and JS:

  • laravel-mix
  • Bootstrap 4
  • jQuery
  • open-iconic
  • lightbox2

Dashboard additional packages

  • sweetalert2
  • tinymce


  • PHP >= 7.3 or 8.0


  • Clone this repo: git clone
  • Copy .env.example to .env file: cp .env.example .env
  • Install the composer vendors: composer install
  • Install NPM packages: npm install
  • Compile NPM packages: npm run dev
  • Create a new database (for example laramin_cms_database)
  • Edit .env file and complete config and DB connection data:

  • php artisan key:generate
  • Create new database, complete the .env file and migrate with seeders: php artisan migrate --seed
  • Run CMS: php artisan serve or create a vhost/domain

Examples and demo

After migrate and seed there are 2 users created (admin and client):

Username: admin@cms.com
Password: Admin12345!

Username: client@cms.com
Password: Client12345!

Admin user has full access to dashboard

TODO list

I'm going to develop this project. All TODOs and ideas will be in this section

  • Menu module
  • Add lian-yue/vue-upload-component as image uploader
  • Add propaganistas/laravel-disposable-email library
  • Add Google reCaptcha v2/v3 to contact page
  • Blog module
  • Add AMP pages (dynamic)

Model media base usage

There is spatie/laravel-medialibrary installed. More information here: https://spatie.be/docs/laravel-medialibrary/v9/introduction

If you are going to use Media - remember about PHP and MySQL variables:



'max_file_size' => 1024 * 1024 * 10 // 10MB

'media' => [ // this storage is used in media-library.php
    'driver' => 'local',
    'root' => public_path('media'),
    'url' => env('APP_URL').'/media',
    'visibility' => 'public',

Register media for model (Page model example):

    use Spatie\MediaLibrary\HasMedia;
    use Spatie\MediaLibrary\InteractsWithMedia;
    use Spatie\Image\Manipulations;

    class Page extends Model implements HasMedia
    use InteractsWithMedia;

     * Register all media for this model with features and conversions
     * (from Spatie\MediaLibrary\InteractsWithMedia trait)
     * @return void
    public function registerMediaCollections(): void

        $this->addMediaConversion('thumb')->width(600)->height(400)->fit(Manipulations::FIT_CROP, 600, 400);

     * Custom method to get main image
    public function getMainImage()
        return $this->getMedia('main')->first();

There are a lot of manipulations you can do with images. See Spatie\Image\Manipulations for details. Cool and useful effects: sepia, pixelate(5), greyscale(), fit

Command: php artisan media-library:regenerate regenerates all media conversions
