Maintainers :
- Jede
- Assinie
Rules for source code
- Macro are in uppercase
- use userzp label to get space from zerp page. You can have at least 10 bytes from userzp in order to use zp
- Allocate with malloc your memory. In that case, in the future, it will be easier to start multithreading.
- userzp will be managed by kernel when multithreading occurs
Shell for Orix (ROM)
How to compile ?
You need to download cc65 lastest version in order to get last file.
How to install ?
you need to put this bank in bank 5
How a binary is started ?
- if the command is ./Mycommand, orix tries to start command from current path if not :
- Orix tries to see if the command is in ROM banks, if it's the case, the command is launched
- If the command is not in any banks, it tries to start binary from bin/ folder
- if it's not the in binary folder, it prints command not found
Build options
Root file on sdcard
Pass to ca65 command line : -DWITH_SDCARD_FOR_ROOT=1 or else it will reads en usb key