STRAND Aligner

An implementation of the HTML alignment algorithm of STRAND:

P. Resnik and N. A Smith. The web as a parallel corpus. Computational Linguistics, 29(3):349-380, 2003.

This also contains an implementation of the Gale and Church sentence alignment algorithm:

W. A. Gale and K. W. Church. A program for aligning sentences in bilingual corpora. Computational Linguistics, 19:75-102, March 1993.

Installation prerequisites

NOTE: You might need sudo permissions for some of the steps below.

  • pip install numpy
  • pip install cython
  • pip install beautifulsoup4
  • sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev python-dev
  • pip install lxml
  • apt-get install python-scipy
  • pip install nltk
  • open python shell
  • import nltk
  • type in 'd' for download, and enter 'punkt'
  • checkout maxent from
  • cd into maxent folder
  • follow the installation instructions here This will install c++ maxent lib.
  • cd into python dir within maxent, and follow installation instructions in README file.


  1. Checkout the project from git
  2. cd into dir called 'strand'
  3. python install

Running the program

  1. cd into dir called 'data' under STRANDAligner. There is a folder named 'articles' that contains 360 parallel pages named 1.{en,kz}, etc.
  2. sudo python ../strand/run_strand_batch -i articles
  3. when the above commands completes the following will be created in 'data' directory:
    • chunks_output directory - contains files 1.chunks, 2.chunks, etc. Each file contains lengths of aligned chunks from parallel texts.
    • chunks_tagged_output directory - contains files 1.tagged_chunks, etc. Each file contains aligned chunks together with tags.
    • df_percentage file - contains data needed for learning algorithm used in our paper.
    • strand_output directory - contains files 1.{en, kz}, etc. with chunks.


  • Remove unused code from
  • Do refactoring to make code more flexible, remove hard coded stuff.