An implementation of the HTML alignment algorithm of STRAND:
P. Resnik and N. A Smith. The web as a parallel corpus. Computational Linguistics, 29(3):349-380, 2003.
This also contains an implementation of the Gale and Church sentence alignment algorithm:
W. A. Gale and K. W. Church. A program for aligning sentences in bilingual corpora. Computational Linguistics, 19:75-102, March 1993.
NOTE: You might need sudo permissions for some of the steps below.
- pip install numpy
- pip install cython
- pip install beautifulsoup4
- sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev python-dev
- pip install lxml
- apt-get install python-scipy
- pip install nltk
- open python shell
- import nltk
- type in 'd' for download, and enter 'punkt'
- checkout maxent from
- cd into maxent folder
- follow the installation instructions here This will install c++ maxent lib.
- cd into python dir within maxent, and follow installation instructions in README file.
- Checkout the project from git
- cd into dir called 'strand'
- python install
- cd into dir called 'data' under STRANDAligner. There is a folder named 'articles' that contains 360 parallel pages named 1.{en,kz}, etc.
- sudo python ../strand/run_strand_batch -i articles
- when the above commands completes the following will be created in 'data' directory:
- chunks_output directory - contains files 1.chunks, 2.chunks, etc. Each file contains lengths of aligned chunks from parallel texts.
- chunks_tagged_output directory - contains files 1.tagged_chunks, etc. Each file contains aligned chunks together with tags.
- df_percentage file - contains data needed for learning algorithm used in our paper.
- strand_output directory - contains files 1.{en, kz}, etc. with chunks.
- Remove unused code from
- Do refactoring to make code more flexible, remove hard coded stuff.