
Make beautiful gradient color

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Gradient color

Gradient color generator

Attention: This doc is for v2.0, v1.x usage is at the end of the doc, and it's deprecated


npm install gradient-color -S


// commonjs style
const gradient = require('gradient-color')
// module import style
// import gradient from 'gradient-color'

const colors = gradient([
], 20)

// array of 20 colors in `rgb(x, x, x)` format


gradient(colorArray, n)


  • colorArray is either

    • An array of color strings. This way, each gradient's step is the same
    // hex string is supported
    ['#fff', '#ddd', '#eee']
    // rgb string is also ok
    ['rgb(23, 23, 23)', 'rgb(33, 33, 33)']
    • An array of color object. You can specify each gradient's step value by frac field.
        color: '#fff',
        frac: 0.4
        color: '#eee',
        frac: 0.4
        color: '#aaa',
        frac: 0.2
      // the last color could either be an object
        color: '#fefefe'
      // or a string value
      // '#fefefe'

    If you are using this method, there're several things you should remember:

    1. The last color should not have a frac field, so it can be either an Object with only color field or a String value
    2. The sum of all the fracs should equal to 1
  • n is the number of color that will be generated. It should be greater than the length of your colorArray, i.e. n > colorArray.length

Upcoming features

  • Alpha channel support

Nasty old v1.x usage (deprecated)

var getGradient = require('gradient-color').getGradient

var number = 30 // How many units between the two colors
var startColor = "#7e93f5" // start color, must in hex mode
var endColor = "#f32b65" // end color, must in hex mode

var colors = getGradient(number, startColor, endColor)
// output an array, each unit is a color string in "rgb(r,g,b)" format