Test for connection between cluster using ovs-cni


  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • kubernetes v1.21.6

Setup environment

Setup onos, mininet, openvswitch

cd scripts/
sudo ./env-setup.sh
  • Create ovs-br
sudo ovs-vsctl add-br br0
  • Deploy ovs-cni daemon

Notice: the path of db.sock on host may different from your host if you install ovswitch in different way

# in ovs.conf, we config the host `db.sock` path
sudo mkdir -p /etc/cni/net.d/ovs.d/
sudo cp conf/ovs.conf /etc/cni/net.d/ovs.d/

deploy the daemon

kubectl apply -f deploy/ovs-cni.yml
  • Deploy network-attachment CRD
kubectl apply -f deploy/network-attachment.yaml

Run test pods

kubectl apply -f deploy/pods.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/pods-2.yaml

you will found new port added on ovs-br:

$ sudo ovs-vsctl show
    Bridge br0
        Port br0
            Interface br0
                type: internal
        Port veth4185735f
            Interface veth4185735f
        Port vetha6a6f521
            Interface vetha6a6f521
    ovs_version: "2.17.2"
  • Set interface ip
kubectl exec -ti samplepod -- /bin/sh
# in samplepod
ip addr add dev net1

set interface ip in another pod in same way

