
Simple manager to manage TransportNetwork Simulate a simple transport network to brige subnetwork. Create a Transport Network (Linux Bridge), and add subnet interface (Linux Bridge) on demand.


  • Install swaggo
go install
  • Build(Update) swagger api doc
swag init
  • Build TN-Manager
go build -o TN-Manager main.go


# use `8081` as default service port, or you can provide `-port=XXX` to use another port
sudo ./TN-Manager

You can visit swagger doc on:


Manage VXLAN bridge

Create new bridge with vxlan interface

This api will setup a new vxlan interface, create a new Linux bridge and bind the vxlan interface to the bridge.

  • Sample payload
    • bindInterface: Local interface name to establish vxlan tunnel
    • localBrIp: the ip assign to new bridge (local)
    • remoteIp: Remote interface ip to establish vxlan tunnel
    • vxlanId: the vxlan ID
    • vxlanInterface: the new vxlan interface name
#URL: /api/v1/vxlan/{vxlan_bridge_name}
  "bindInterface": "ens3",
  "localBrIp": "",
  "remoteIp": "",
  "vxlanId": "100",
  "vxlanInterface": "vxlan100"

Manage Network Slice on Bridge (TC, downlink)

Create new slice on bridge

This api will create tc rule on bridge (vxlan interface), limit downlink flow rate by filter dstIp.

  • Sample Payload
    • SliceSd(Optional): Slice SD
    • FlowRate: downlink flow rate (KB/Sec)
    • DstIp
    • SrcIp
#URL: /api/v1/slice/{bridge_name}
  "SliceSd": "010203",
  "FlowRate": 800,
  "DstIP": "",
  "SrcIP": ""

Manage Bridge

Retrieve bridge status

This api for verify bridge exist or not.

#URL: GET /api/v1/bridge/<bridge_name>

Delete VXLAN bridge

This api will remove the vxlan bridge (Linux bridge and VXLAN interface)

#URL: /api/v1/vxlan/{vxlan_bridge_name}