O-RAN SMO Environment Repo


This project used to setup O-RAN SMO platform with opensource Core Network, Transport Network and Access Network solution. The opensource projects in testbed:


The instances:

  • Management Node

    • OS: Ubuntu 20.04-server
    • Core: 2
    • RAM: 8Gi
    • Disk: 32Gi
  • SMO Node

    • OS: Ubuntu 20.04-server
    • Core: 10
    • RAM: 32Gi
    • Disk: 64Gi
  • OAI Node

    • OS: Ubuntu 18.04-server
    • Core: 4
    • RAM: 8Gi
    • Disk: 64Gi



  • Terraform
  • direnv
  • an openstack cluster ready to deploy instances

Copy your openrc to root directory, and also rename it:

cp ~/openrc localrc

Deploy instances (layer-0)

Before using terraform to create instnaces, create an new openstack project first:

  • Create oran project
source localrc
openstack project create oran
openstack role add --user admin --project oran admin
  • Modify localrc with new project name
# localrc
source localrc
  • Create private key used to login to VMs
  • into terraform directory
cd terraform/

Copy public-key to keypair.tf

# keypair.tf
resource "openstack_compute_keypair_v2" "oran-keypair" {
  name       = "oran-keypair"
  // insert your own public key
  public_key = ""
  • Init and apply terraform
terraform init
terraform apply

Setup platform (layer-1)

  • Requirements
ansible-galaxy collection install kubernetes.core
ansible-galaxy collection install cloud.common

Management Node

cd playbooks/
vim inventory.ini

Update the instances info (ip)

  • run playbooks
ansible-playbook --private-key <ssh-key> -i inventory.ini layer-1.yml

Project Status

In Terraform parts

Since we don't have enough compute on single OpenStack Cluster, we mark up the central node instance (also related OpenStack resource).