Manage the point-to-point VXLAN connection between two different Cloud (single node) using kubernetes operator. This project should coordinate with TN-Manager.
This project aims to cenrtralize the management the connection between two different cloud. TN-Manager acts as agent on managed cloud. The operator reconcile logic will activate the vxlan interface on node while new topology object (Custom Resource) be created (also remove the vxlan interface when topology object be deleted).
Define the connection between two cloud with Custom Resource.
- For use
- Go v1.17.13
- Kubernetes v1.21
- For development
- Operator-SDK (Go) v1.17
make deploy
For undeploy the operator:
make undeploy
Initial version for PoC (Proof of Concept):
- Support point-to-point topology
NOTICE: only compatiable with TN-Manager version 0.3.x+
- Establish vxlan (bridge) tunnel, not just activate it
- Support slice rule installation