
Implementation of tensor network algorithms for completion of sparsely sampled quantum states

Primary LanguagePython

Wavefunction Completion with Tensor Networks
Author: Aaron Stahl (2024) // aaaron.m.stahl@gmail.com
Author's note: a more comprehensive repository is 
available in Matlab; please email if interested.

This project introduces several new tensor network algorithms 
for reconstructing ("completing") low energy eigenstates of an 
unknown Hamiltonian using a random sample of the wavefunction 
coefficient amplitudes. The completion algorithms leverage 
truncated matrix product states (MPS), randomized tensor tree 
networks (TTN), and other tensor-oriented structures to offer 
powerful tools for wavefunction completion. Starting from only a 
sparse sampling of amplitudes, these routines commonly obtain 
completed states with fidelity values near the limits of numerical 

This repository is associated with the article, "Reconstruction of 
Randomly Sampled Quantum Wavefunctions using Tensor 
Methods" by Aaron Stahl and Glen Evenbly (2023). For a detailed 
theoretical background and numerical results, please refer to: 


Abstract: We propose and test several tensor network based 
algorithms for reconstructing the ground state of an (unknown) 
local Hamiltonian starting from a random sample of the 
wavefunction amplitudes. These algorithms, which are based on 
completing a wavefunction by minimizing the block Renyi 
entanglement entropy averaged over all local blocks, are 
numerically demonstrated to reliably reconstruct ground states 
of local Hamiltonians on 1-D lattices to high fidelity, often at the 
limit of double-precision numerics, while potentially starting from 
a random sample of only a few percent of the total wavefunction 

* Exact diagonalization of local Hamiltonians for calculating 
   eigenvalues and eigenstates
* Wavefunction completion using tensor network methods
* Support for various model options including the critical XX model, 
   Ising model, and randomly generated homogenous and 
   inhomogenous Hamiltonians with arbitrary interaction lengths

Core functionality included in:
- applyHam.py
- genLocalHams.py
- ncon.py 
- truncatedMPS.py
- allCutSweep.py
- compHelperFunctions.py
- genBlocksTree.py
- oneLayerTree.py
- reverseLayerTree.py

Sample implementations:
- exactDiagEx.py (exact diagonalization)
- wavefunctionCompEx.py (example: MPS and ACS)
- wavefunctionTreeCompEx.py (example: tree tensor network)

Thank you to Glen Evenbly for his assistance in developing this project.